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  • 12 Step If you check 12 Step, you will get an additional message with one of the 12 steps first thing every morning.

  • Step 2. We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. - For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Phi 2:13)
  • Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors and that our lives had become unmanageable. - I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. (Rom 7:18)
  • Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to Him and that He has the power to help me recover. (Step 2) (Mat 5:4)
  • Abandonment

  • When I come in the clouds and return for you, I will bring with me those who have fallen asleep in death who believed in me. It will be the greatest reunion of all time. Death has no sting for believers, for they are, at most, temporarily separated from each other. Who do you look forward to seeing? (1The 4:14)
  • I am the purpose of your life - to remain in me, listening to me and obeying me. I am the goal of your life - to become like me in thought, word and action. I am the reward of your life - to be in my presence forever. (Phi 1:21)
  • It is very tempting to give in to fears of rejection and ridicule, and change the way you act or talk around certain people. You may censor what you share about me in their presence, or possibly change how you act to better fit in with them. But you know better than this - especially around people who so desperately need you to be different than them, to be a light in a dark place, to be Christ-like among people who are worldly. Be strong and courageous, and live for me regardless of who surrounds you. (Gal 2:12)
  • Anger

  • Reminders of your failures only come from 2 places - the enemy of your soul and your own heart. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, but never try to make you feel worthless. He expresses my love for you while reminding you what I have said about sin and righteousness. Our Father will not continue to accuse you of something for which you have repented - He is not angry about what has been forgiven. Trust in His never ending love for you, and the permanence of the salvation I have purchased for you with my own blood. (Psa 103:9)
  • Contrary to popular belief, our Father is not an angry God waiting to destroy evil doers. He is compassionate, understanding the flaws and failures of men, and gracious, offering His own power to mankind so His followers can obey Him. Unlike man, He is very slow to become angry because he overflows with love for his creation. He longs for everyone to come to Him for salvation and doesn't want anyone to be separated from Him. Think on His loving-kindness toward you and spend time in praise for his mercy in your life. (Psa 103:8)
  • Many things can take you by surprise, but don't let them rock your world. Instead, make sure that you do not react, but that you strive to consistently act in love in every circumstance. That is how you live a life worthy of your calling. (Phi 1:27)
  • Anxiety

  • When you feel like you are sinking, I will pull you up. I will draw you out of the deep waters of hurt and depression and fear and pull you to myself. You are mine, and I will always protect you. Just call out my name. (Psa 18:16)
  • Many things can take you by surprise, but don't let them rock your world. Instead, make sure that you do not react, but that you strive to consistently act in love in every circumstance. That is how you live a life worthy of your calling. (Phi 1:27)
  • Whoever comes to me, I will keep with me forever. I will not cast them away from me. So you are safe with me if you have entrusted yourself to my care. Rest in my faithfulness. (Joh 6:37)
  • Authority

  • When you have a position of authority over others, remember that you are still under my authority. I am your supervisor, and they are my employees. So treat them as I would treat them, and judge them as you would have me judge you. (Col 4:1)
  • All of the universe praises me, from the angels in heaven to the rocks that will cry out to fill the silence of those who will not sing my praises. The angels are mighty only because they obey me and receive their power from me. Yet, although they are beautiful creations, you are higher and greater than angels. You are not only my creation - you have been adopted as my own child, filled with my Holy Spirit, and will rule and reign with me forever. Praise me with all of your heart! (Psa 103:20)
  • It doesn't matter what is in the heart of man - our Father can use what anyone does to further His plan and bring people into our Kingdom. Even those who stir up trouble can be His tool to chisel away at the rough spots in the lives of believers. We will use every opportunity to add to the kingdom of God and perfect those who are saved, and we will use what the enemy meant for evil and use it for good! Who is it that you have doubted that God could use for His glory? (Phi 1:15)
  • Correction

  • Be very careful to pay close attention to my words. They are trustworthy to convey my thoughts and my will without anyone adding to them. Learn them well so that you can encourage others by explaining my words to them, and especially to those who do not understand or believe. (Tit 1:9)
  • Everyone starts out foolish and disobedient, being deceived and enslaved by their desires and feelings. In the natural, selfish thoughts cause envy and anger which devolve into hatred. I do not expect perfection from you, but I do expect progress in these areas as you learn to listen to, obey and remain in me more continually. (Tit 3:3)
  • I know sometimes you just want to lose it, but that is why I sent the Holy Spirit to live within you. As long as you surrender to him, the fruit of self-control will flourish, helping you to remain pure and kind, to stay busy with the things of God, and be respectful of those in authority over you. Do not give anyone the opportunity to speak evil of me because of misconduct on your part. In what area of your life do you need more self-control? (Tit 2:5)
  • Death

  • When you feel like you are sinking, I will pull you up. I will draw you out of the deep waters of hurt and depression and fear and pull you to myself. You are mine, and I will always protect you. Just call out my name. (Psa 18:16)
  • When I come in the clouds and return for you, I will bring with me those who have fallen asleep in death who believed in me. It will be the greatest reunion of all time. Death has no sting for believers, for they are, at most, temporarily separated from each other. Who do you look forward to seeing? (1The 4:14)
  • This world brings many things that bring fear. But even if the worst should happen, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am always with you, and I will always come through for you. I will always take care of you. (Psa 23:4)
  • Depression

  • The enemy wants you to be afraid, but I am always with you by my Spirit. You never have to face or handle anything alone, because the Comforter provides the power and wisdom that you require in any situation. I am your ever present source of help. (Heb 13:6)
  • When you are upset, the only way to find peace is to hand all of your concerns over to the Father to handle as He sees fit. Increase your faith by reminding yourself of all of the times He has been faithful to take care of you in the past, and think on every good thing He has given to you. Then, my peace will come over you, the peace that cannot be obtained through reasoning or rationalization, but only through faith in the Father's goodness and power. (Phi 4:6)
  • When you wonder whether or not your life will ever be changed, if you will ever be changed into my image, remember this. Our Father is using in your life the same power that He used to raise Me from the dead. This resurrection power is what will allow the old you to die off and the new you to be reborn into my likeness. Trust Him to complete what He has begun. (Eph 1:19)
  • Discipline

  • Rejoice in me! It is a choice you make every day. It is not a feeling, but an action that you take, a decision that you make, to find your joy in me and what I have done for you and for others. Speaking what you are grateful for is the place to start, because once you start rejoicing, you will become glad! (Phi 2:18)
  • Be very careful not to seek out teachers that only tell you what you want to hear. Those who speak on my behalf will sometimes speak correction and rebuke. Do not shy away from them, or think they are not from me, but listen to them and see what truth you need to apply to your life. (2Tim 4:3)
  • Not everyone shares the same calling. That is why I have widely distributed various spiritual gifts and natural talents, and assigned people to different paths. There are so many people who need to discover who I am, and then be taught about me and trained to be my disciple. Just as a body has multiple essential parts to make it work, so it is in my church. Be faithful to fulfill the calling I have placed on your own life. (Gal 2:9)
  • Encouragement

  • When you feel like you are drowning in emotions that seem to pull you downward, remember that they are only feelings, and I am greater than your heart. Hopelessness only lives in a mind that has forgotten about me, because with me ALL things are possible. Praise me, and put your hope in my unfailing loving kindness toward you and my endless power, because unlike everything else you place your hope in, I will not disappoint you. (Psa 43:5)
  • It doesn't matter what you see on the outside of yourself - your body was never meant to last forever. It is of use when you utilize it on behalf of me, being my hands and feet, but eventually it will wear out. So focus on the part of you that will live eternally - your spirit and soul - which is continuously regenerated into my likeness day by day. (2Cor 4:16)
  • When you feel like you are sinking, I will pull you up. I will draw you out of the deep waters of hurt and depression and fear and pull you to myself. You are mine, and I will always protect you. Just call out my name. (Psa 18:16)
  • Faith

  • Timidity is not a godly quality. I have empowered you by my Spirit to boldly accomplish my will in the earth, to selflessly give of yourself for the benefit of others, and have given you the supernatural ability to obey me instead of your flesh. Use this power, love and self-discipline today! (2Tim 1:7)
  • You are doing such a good job. I am the One keeping score, you know. Not "them." You are building my Kingdom and I see your faithfulness. (Mat 25:23)
  • When you remain faithful to me, even in the worst of circumstances, you open up opportunities for even the most hard-hearted people around you to be broken and turn to me. Honor me with your attitude and your words, even when things go wrong, and I will move in the life of those around you. You may never see the results, but reaping the harvest is my responsibility - yours is to sow seeds through your obedience. (Phi 1:13)
  • Fear

  • I can turn any situation into one that glorifies our Father and further transforms you into my image. I can even take sickness and use it for good, displaying my mighty power within you while you are humanly weak. I can open doors for witnessing that were previously shut, and provide opportunities for miracles. I am still with you, remaining Lord over all, and I will not waste one opportunity to bring you closer to me, and simultaneously reconcile the world to our Father. (Gal 4:13)
  • You never have to fear me. Fear comes when you think someone will take something away from you. I love you, so I want to give to you, not take from you. (1Joh 4:18)
  • If you know that I have spoken to you, then obey me. There are times when you may not be sure, and there is wisdom in taking the counsel of other godly brothers and sisters. But sometimes, no one else will understand what I have spoken to you in secret and assigned to you to accomplish. In those times, trust in me completely, despite what others say. (Gal 1:16)
  • For Men

  • Husbands must remember what first drew them to their wives, what made them love her. I call them to treat her as they did when they courted her, and not as though she is some type of obstacle that is blocking them from getting what then want. They need to come to me for all of their needs, and I will provide them. (Col 3:19)
  • Husbands must love their wives sacrificially, in a way that will cost them something, especially their time. Love shouldn't be given only when it's convenient, with nothing else to do. They must make time for her, and not begrudge it. (Col 3:19)
  • For Women

  • You have stolen my heart, my bride, my church. I have waited throughout eternity for you, and soon we will be together. (Son 4:9)
  • It is important to me that women dress modestly, not suggestively or inappropriately. Women should always dress to please me, not to attract sexual attention to themselves. I will bring them the right person at the right time, so they do not have to draw people with their looks. (1Tim 2:9)
  • You are so beautiful to me. Everything about you is exquisite to me, because I fashioned you just for myself. Every part of you is perfect to me. (Son 4:1)
  • Forgiveness

  • I know it is easy to be tempted to revenge when someone else has wronged you, especially, if you know you were in the right. One of the greatest ways to apply your faith is to respond with a blessing. Moreover, be an example to others who may be with you in times of trouble so that they can glorify the Father in Heaven. Learn to trust me with all your heart, even in trouble. (Rom 12:19)
  • Our Father has rescued you from darkness and brought you into my kingdom, the kingdom of the son he loves. Remember the place from which he rescued you, and the price I paid to ransom you. That is how much we love you. (Col 1:13)
  • When you repented and asked for forgiveness, it was granted to you. That matter was settled, the debt owed was paid, the file on the judge's desk was marked 'NOT GUILTY', sealed and filed away forever. It was removed from your record, just as if it never happened. The judge will not take that file back out to review it ever again. That's how far your sin was separated from you, so leave it and move on. (Psa 103:12)
  • Giving

  • Pray at all times, not only at appointed, dedicated times, but also throughout the day. Prayer is simply communicating with me, and you can do that through singing, reading, thinking, praying, dancing - anything that brings you closer to me. What do you want to communicate to me right now? (1The 5:17)
  • I have said that the poor will always be with you, but I never said that you should ignore them. It is easy to look away, forget them, or simply just focus on getting those extras that you want. But others have NEEDS, not wants, that they simply cannot meet without you sharing the resources you have received by my hand. Look around you and don't be so self-centered that you forget the least of these who need you to pay attention to them. (Gal 2:10)
  • When you entered into a relationship with me by faith, you received every spiritual blessing I have to offer. I promised never to leave nor forsake you, and to take care of everything which you entrust to me. No one else can ever take away what I have given to you or promised you, nor can they give you more that I can give. For all eternity, I am yours and you are mine, and everything I have I share with you. Decide today to faithfully use the spiritual gifts I have given to you in service to me. (Gal 3:15)
  • Grief

  • Rejoice in me! It is a choice you make every day. It is not a feeling, but an action that you take, a decision that you make, to find your joy in me and what I have done for you and for others. Speaking what you are grateful for is the place to start, because once you start rejoicing, you will become glad! (Phi 2:18)
  • I am coming back for you. I told you before that I have gone to prepare a place for you to live with me forever. Those believers who have already passed on in death will be there with me to meet you. What incredible rejoicing there will be! (1The 4:15)
  • You will play an integral part in building the faith of those whom I will bring to you. You will be a source of hope and joy as you model your trust and belief in me through your outward actions and your words. Trust in me as I put you in situations where I need you to be faithful to your calling and my plan for your life. (Phi 1:25)
  • Healing

  • Jonah could not stand the thought of me showing mercy to Israel's enemies, he wanted all of them to perish even though they were warned. I know the hurt your going through because of people in your past, I don't condone their actions, but I don't approve of your Judgements of them either. (Mat 5:44)
  • I can turn any situation into one that glorifies our Father and further transforms you into my image. I can even take sickness and use it for good, displaying my mighty power within you while you are humanly weak. I can open doors for witnessing that were previously shut, and provide opportunities for miracles. I am still with you, remaining Lord over all, and I will not waste one opportunity to bring you closer to me, and simultaneously reconcile the world to our Father. (Gal 4:13)
  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • Heaven

  • I will reward you according to your faithfulness to me. If you pour yourself out on my behalf, selflessly giving to others as I direct, then I will fill you back up with myself. You will share in the results of all of your hard work for the kingdom, but you will have to wait until heaven to see the full impact you have had. Do not grow weary of doing good things! (2Tim 2:6)
  • Oh, how much joy you will experience in the presence of our father because of those you have turned toward him. Those at one time destined for eternal separation from God will dance before you in his presence, and you will see the difference that your faithfulness and love has made in the lives of others. Imagine it now. (1The 3:9)
  • Because you know me, the timing of my return may be unknown, but you expect my coming. To those who do not know me, my return will be frightening. However, for you, it will be the sudden fulfillment of a long desired hope, like a dream come true. Tell me what you've dreamed of doing in heaven... (1The 5:4)
  • Holiness

  • This world is evil. People naturally are selfish and self-protecting, and even creation has been warped since the time of the Fall. But I willingly laid my life down to pay for your sins, and to rescue you from the power of this present evil age. If I had not gone away, the Holy Spirit would not have come to live inside of you, giving you the power to live godly every day. That is the will of our father for your life. (Gal 1:4)
  • Set an example for all of the other believers in your speech, in your conduct, in the way you love, in your trust in me, and in your purity of lifestyle. Don't give anyone a reason to speak evil about you. Choose your actions carefully and protect your faith diligently. (1Tim 4:12)
  • It is so tempting to gain things. But your only purpose is to gain me. Gain intimacy with me, make knowing me through everyday experiences the most important goal of your life. Everything else is worthless garbage in comparison. In this way, every day can hold great victories, because knowing me more does not depend on anyone else's participation, and turns every event, good or bad, into another opportunity to gain more of me. (Phi 3:8)
  • Hope

  • Our father is a God of kept promises. He is faithful to fulfill his word to those who believe him. His inheritance for his children is every spiritual blessing he has to give, as well as his provision and his protection. You can't earn an inheritance - it rightfully belongs to the offspring. In the same way, you can't earn all he wants to give to you by obeying the law, it is yours simply because you belong to him. Rest in his promises today. (Gal 3:18)
  • This world brings many things that bring fear. But even if the worst should happen, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am always with you, and I will always come through for you. I will always take care of you. (Psa 23:4)
  • I am coming back for you. I told you before that I have gone to prepare a place for you to live with me forever. Those believers who have already passed on in death will be there with me to meet you. What incredible rejoicing there will be! (1The 4:15)
  • Humility

  • There will be times when I will hold you back from going to certain places, or meeting with certain people. There is a time and a season and a purpose for everything I do and do not do. Simply listen and obey, go when I say go, follow when I say follow. Trust my timing for everything in your life. In what area of your life are you tempted to rush ahead of me? (Gal 1:18)
  • I want you to know every part of me, my power to overcome this world, my love for the Father and for everyone else. But that also includes knowing me in my death to my own desires, my subjecting myself in obedience to my Father in opposition to my natural will. Like me, you will learn obedience through what you suffer. That is also how you will experience the same power that resurrected me from the dead. (Phi 3:10)
  • Jonah could not stand the thought of me showing mercy to Israel's enemies, he wanted all of them to perish even though they were warned. I know the hurt your going through because of people in your past, I don't condone their actions, but I don't approve of your Judgements of them either. (Mat 5:44)
  • Joy

  • Rejoice at all times, in every situation, because I am Lord over everything, and I will have the final say. Your joy comes from deep within you, from my Spirit who lives in you, and doesn't depend on outside circumstances. So rejoice that I am with you always, even throughout eternity. What can you rejoice over now? (1The 5:16)
  • I am coming back for you. I told you before that I have gone to prepare a place for you to live with me forever. Those believers who have already passed on in death will be there with me to meet you. What incredible rejoicing there will be! (1The 4:15)
  • Rejoice in me! Rejoice in me! Rejoice in me! I can never say it enough to you, because your joy in me is your strength. Your joy allows my gentleness and love to be seen in you by others. Think about my goodness, my faithfulness, my never-ending love for you, and REJOICE! (Phi 3:1)
  • Judgement

  • It is tempting to look for acceptance from or agreement with others who are held in high esteem, but such a desire is not from me. If I give you a revelation about myself, that is all you need to know. Do not look for approval from others in regard to what you have learned. Simply live according to the truth, and if need be, I will reveal that truth to others around you as well. (Gal 2:6)
  • Our Father knows what His children are made of, both literally and figuratively. He formed you from the dust of the ground, as is proven by comparing the elements found in the earth's crust and your physical body. But more crucially, He understands your failings and flaws because I became a man and experienced every temptation and emotion you experience. I am the high priest that truly empathizes with your struggles, so come and share with me your heart's cries, knowing I truly understand. (Psa 103:14)
  • Those in authority must deal with the members of my body as a father deals with his own children. Judgement must be tempered with love and mercy, with the goal of raising up this child of God to be like me. They are not the judge, they are the shepherd and overseer of their souls. Is there anyone to whom you may have been harsh? (1The 2:10)
  • Love

  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with the laws of God. I never came to wipe them out, but to show you how love fulfills the law. So the law is good, and you should strive to live according to it by my power within you. (1Tim 1:8)
  • My kingdom has a very different set of rules than this world. The world says "take what you can get"; I say "give to others on my behalf". The world says "you are on your own"; I say "trust me for everything". Strive for the victor's crown, but you will have to do it according to my rules: trusting in me and loving others. (2Tim 2:5)
  • Remember back to a time when you lived without me, and then the difference I made in your life when I appeared to you. I brought kindness and love you had never before experienced, and salvation from the penalty and power of sin. Soon I will rescue you from the presence of sin because I am coming back for you just as I promised. Be ready for my return! (Tit 3:4)
  • Mercy

  • Our Father is deserving of all of the glory. That means that he deserves to be seen as the greatest, kindest, most loving and merciful, and most powerful and important being that has ever existed. That is why it is so important for you to imitate my way of life, especially how I made sure that everything I did and said was a true representation of what our father would say and do on Earth. How can you glorify God today? (Phi 4:20)
  • Faith is the only thing that matters in your life. Everything you do must be in trusting response to my will, which I will make known to you. You can't, at any time, substitute your own works for obeying me. There is no action you can take or thing you can offer that will make up for rejecting my instructions to you. I require that you be merciful to others, do the right thing, and walk humbly in obedience to me at all times. (Gal 2:17)
  • Reminders of your failures only come from 2 places - the enemy of your soul and your own heart. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, but never try to make you feel worthless. He expresses my love for you while reminding you what I have said about sin and righteousness. Our Father will not continue to accuse you of something for which you have repented - He is not angry about what has been forgiven. Trust in His never ending love for you, and the permanence of the salvation I have purchased for you with my own blood. (Psa 103:9)


  • The Father sacrificed me, his only begotten son, so that I could make a way for everyone in the world to be adopted as his children through faith in me. I was born into the world so the family of God could be born. I became like you, lived under the law like you, so you could live in this world as I do, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Live for me out of love for what I have done for you. (Gal 4:4)
  • It is rare when I find believers who honestly and truly look to the interests of others above their own interests. It is so hard to move beyond the human need to put your own needs before that of others. But that is why you need my Spirit in you to accomplish that. In your own flesh, it is futile to try and put others first, but with me, all things are possible. (Phi 2:21)
  • Make sure that your walk and talk match. Love without expression is meaningless, and love without action is useless. Are you doing your best to live for and love like me? (1Joh 3:18)
  • Patience

  • If I ask you to greet all of God's people with a holy kiss, would you do it? Not just some, but all? Would you be willing to let your defenses and guard down long enough to get close to your brothers and sisters? The world will know that you are mine when they see you truly loving them in action and not just in word. I challenge you today to risk getting closer to the members of your family in Christ. (1The 5:26)
  • You have learned many things, but knowing is not enough. I expect you to act on what you have learned, walking it out in faith. You have a high calling on your life to live in this world as I did, and I have been teaching you what you need to know. Now, express through your actions the truths that have been imparted to and implanted in you. (Phi 3:16)
  • I know you get really busy during the day, but I want you to know that I can wait until you have time to talk. I love you, and I will wait patiently for you. Talk to me now. (1Cor 13:4)
  • Peace

  • No man knows when I will come to you. It is for the father to choose the day and time. But I will come, and for those who do not know me, destruction will come suddenly. However, for those who belong to me, they will experience everlasting life, joy and peace. Who do you wish you could share my life with? (1The 5:1)
  • It is so easy to get annoyed and aggravated with your brothers and sisters, but you need to work hard to live in peace with each other. When you call someone else selfish, it just means they won't do what you want them to. It will take dying to yourself and your own desires and supposed rights in order to remain in peace with those around you. Who are you really struggling with today? (1The 5:13)
  • It is not enough to know about me. You must intimately know me and in faith imitate my love, patience, and faithfulness to the father. Whatever you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do these things, and my peace will remain in you. (Phi 4:9)
  • Power

  • I am always standing by your side, available to give you strength whenever you admit your weakness. I want to empower you so you may proclaim my message through your words and your actions. So go forth in my power and my strength, to accomplish my purposes for my kingdom. (2Tim 4:17)
  • My promise to you is that I am with you always, speaking to your spirit. My grace, my Supernatural empowerment in your life to obey me, is always with you. There is nothing that you face alone, nor are powerless to overcome, because I will never leave you nor forsake you, and I have overcome this world. (2Tim 4:22)
  • Bless me, sing to me, let me hear your voice raised up to the heavens to bring me praise. For I have done great things, not only for others in the past, but for you personally as well. It is by my power that you have been saved. Praise my name! (Psa 98:1)
  • Praise and Worship

  • Our Father is worthy of your time being spent thinking and talking about how awesome He is. Let yourself be truly amazed at how massive and powerful He is, so it increases your faith in Him. The world has no problem speaking against His existence, or denying His power. So do not be ashamed to publicly extol His goodness and loving-kindness, faithfulness and mercy through your words, and more importantly, your actions. (Psa 103:1)
  • Rejoice in me! It is a choice you make every day. It is not a feeling, but an action that you take, a decision that you make, to find your joy in me and what I have done for you and for others. Speaking what you are grateful for is the place to start, because once you start rejoicing, you will become glad! (Phi 2:18)
  • Let me describe to you a woman who brings praise to my name. She is well-known for her good deeds, including bringing up children, showing hospitality to others, and serving those in need. She devotes herself to listening for my direction and instructions on who to help and how to help those who cannot help themselves. This is how she shows her dedication to and love for me. (1Tim 5:10)
  • Prayer

  • Remember those imprisoned for my sake. Pray for them that they will depend upon my supernatural power to sustain them, and not their own strength. Consider yourself their appointed guardian in prayer. (Col 4:18)
  • Wives must not rage and battle against their husbands. If they want something, they must come to me in prayer, and asked me for it. I can change even Pharaoh's hard heart; so I can change their husband's heart as well. (Col 3:18)
  • You can love the ones who hurt you by praying for them. You will be free of the pain and anger that is poisoning you, not them. Because I fill you with My love, you can choose to do that. (Mat 5:44)
  • Pride

  • There will be times when I speak things to you that I do not want you to share with others. I simply want you to listen and obey. It will be a temptation for you to speak of it to others, in order to get their approval. But if I have spoken to you clearly, and you are sure of your purpose, simply surrender and obey. (Gal 1:17)
  • Jonah could not stand the thought of me showing mercy to Israel's enemies, he wanted all of them to perish even though they were warned. I know the hurt your going through because of people in your past, I don't condone their actions, but I don't approve of your Judgements of them either. (Mat 5:44)
  • Although you carry with you my authority everywhere you go, I do not want you to be puffed up with pride. I don't want you acting like you are better than anyone else, or more mature. Instead become as a young child, accepting others as greater than yourself, and loving them. Is there any attitude for which you need to repent? (1The 2:7)
  • Purpose

  • Because you are one with me, I will encourage you with my purpose for you. I will comfort you with my love for you. I will fill you with my strength through my Holy Spirit. I will offer you tenderness and compassion. But I do it so you will freely give to others what I have given to you for free. With whom can you share my encouragement, comfort, tenderness and compassion? (Phi 2:1)
  • Stay in my word, so when others ask you about me, you will know how to answer them. If you don't know the answer, tell them you don't know, and then ask and study to find out. But you don't have to know everything to be a faithful witness for me. (Col 4:6)
  • It does not matter who you were before, or how bad you were, or how poorly you treated others. When you come to me, I wipe the slate clean spiritually, and everything becomes new. You become a new creation, in my image and for my pleasure. I can use even your past to bring my will to pass in your life and in the lives of others. Just trust me. (Gal 1:13)
  • Rejection

  • Do not think that God is blind to those who persecute and reject his children. But remember that they are still part of his beloved creation, and though he hates their sins, he loves them and wants them to become adopted as children of God. Have you been experiencing feelings of rejection from anyone? (1The 2:15)
  • There will be times when you feel as though everyone has deserted you, and no one came to support you in your time of need. But I command you not to hold this against them. Every person has their own path that they must walk, and although their paths may cross yours for a season, few will remain on the road with you. Let them and the hurt go. (2Tim 4:16)
  • When people ridicule or scorn you because of your beliefs, remember all that I endured when others railed against me. If you don't keep me, the Perfecter of your faith, in front of your mind, you will faint and become weary. Rejoice because you are sharing in my sufferings. (Heb 12:3)
  • Repentance

  • Nothing you can do with your body can get you into heaven. Salvation from the penalty, power and presence of sin in your life comes only from repenting of your sins, acknowledging that I am the Son of God who paid for your sins with my sacrificial death, as well as surrendering your life and submitting your decisions to me as your Lord. Once you belong to me, "works" will automatically flow out of you by the power of my Spirit. (Gal 2:16)
  • Reminders of your failures only come from 2 places - the enemy of your soul and your own heart. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, but never try to make you feel worthless. He expresses my love for you while reminding you what I have said about sin and righteousness. Our Father will not continue to accuse you of something for which you have repented - He is not angry about what has been forgiven. Trust in His never ending love for you, and the permanence of the salvation I have purchased for you with my own blood. (Psa 103:9)
  • Our Father knows how frail you are, how your flesh will always want to do whatever it wants, and that you continually face a battle against your own body, as well as self-centered thoughts and attitudes. He doesn't punish you for every sin, nor for your natural bent toward selfishness and rebellion. He loves you just as you are, and knows that, without His supernatural power in your life, you could never live for Him. So keep running back to Him in repentance, asking to be continually filled with His Spirit so you don't walk according to the flesh. (Psa 103:10)
  • Righteousness

  • My desire is to reconcile everyone back to my father. I opened the way to accomplish this by shedding my blood on the cross. Tell everyone you know how they can be reconciled to the Father through me. (Col 1:20)
  • All the fullness of the Father, every characteristic and trait, attitude and thought, love, goodness and power, is in me. When you hear my voice, you hear our father. When you read my words and understand my thoughts, you understand our father. And you are being made like him as long as you remain in me. (Col 2:9)
  • You have learned many things, but knowing is not enough. I expect you to act on what you have learned, walking it out in faith. You have a high calling on your life to live in this world as I did, and I have been teaching you what you need to know. Now, express through your actions the truths that have been imparted to and implanted in you. (Phi 3:16)
  • Salvation

  • Being "right" with me can never come through obeying religious laws. If that were true, I would have died for nothing. Right standing with me only comes by entrusting to my care everything that is important to you, including your salvation and the rest of your life. That faith in me allows me to use my supernatural power on your behalf to cleanse you of all unrighteousness and make you holy and pure in our Father's sight. Are you fully trusting in me to take care of everything that matters to you? (Gal 2:21)
  • My grace, my divine empowerment in your life, enabled you to understand who I am and what I did for you. It also gave you the opportunity and ability to respond to me in faith. My saving power is available to anyone who asks me for it. Who in your life needs my salvation? Pray for them right now. (Tit 2:11)
  • Abraham's faith in God made him the father of many nations who would put their trust in God. When you trust in the Father's goodness and loving kindness, you are blessed with all spiritual blessings. By helping others trust in the Father, you can become a spiritual parent of many new believers. (Gal 3:8)
  • Security

  • When you learn how to find your fulfillment and joy in me despite your external circumstances, you will enjoy endless peace. You never need to doubt that I will provide for whatever you need, especially the ability to continue in the midst of adversity. A lack of things will never affect you while your trust is placed firmly in my loving kindness, power, and faithfulness. What in your life is making you doubt my faithfulness? (Phi 4:12)
  • I know it is easy to be tempted to revenge when someone else has wronged you, especially, if you know you were in the right. One of the greatest ways to apply your faith is to respond with a blessing. Moreover, be an example to others who may be with you in times of trouble so that they can glorify the Father in Heaven. Learn to trust me with all your heart, even in trouble. (Rom 12:19)
  • When you came to me in faith, you were no longer held accountable to the tyrannical rules of the law. By my indwelling Spirit you are led, moment by moment, according to my instruction about what to do in every situation. So do not go back to trying to figure out what is right and wrong on your own. Instead, show that you love me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and show that you love those around you as you want me to love you. (Gal 4:12)
  • Servanthood

  • If you know that I have spoken to you, then obey me. There are times when you may not be sure, and there is wisdom in taking the counsel of other godly brothers and sisters. But sometimes, no one else will understand what I have spoken to you in secret and assigned to you to accomplish. In those times, trust in me completely, despite what others say. (Gal 1:16)
  • When I walked on the earth, I knew I was God, but never used that as leverage to manipulate other people to do what I wanted. I didn't come to the earth to have others serve my needs and wants, but to serve them. I need you to have this same servant mindset, and be ready to serve others' needs as they present themselves and as I direct you. (Phi 2:6)
  • My church is supposed to act as the body it was created to be, many parts led by one Head. A body protects its members from harm, and bears the excess weight when one member has been hurt. When one person has hardship, the others should share with them practically, and they are right in expecting the same help when they experience hardship. Who in hardship can you share with today? (Phi 4:14)
  • Sin

  • When you became one with me, and I brought your spirit to life, your old way of life that didn't care about pleasing God ended. Your new way of life is now directed and empowered by my spirit. And when our father looks at you, he does not see your sin, because you are wrapped up in my righteousness. (Col 3:3)
  • Whenever you perform tasks for other people, especially at your job, do it as though I was your supervisor. Do it joyfully, with all of your energy, and give your employer everything they have paid for and more. (Col 3:22)
  • When people recognize how you have made such a marked change in your life, and don't do the things you used to do or that others do, people will talk about it. And that is good, I want them to talk about it. It is how I am glorified. (1The 1:9)
  • Strength

  • I long to encourage your heart and strengthen you in every good deed you do and every virtuous word you say. It is my power that runs through you and gives you the ability to respond to me in obedience. How can you use my power to glorify me today? (2The 2:17)
  • Rejoice in me! Rejoice in me! Rejoice in me! I can never say it enough to you, because your joy in me is your strength. Your joy allows my gentleness and love to be seen in you by others. Think about my goodness, my faithfulness, my never-ending love for you, and REJOICE! (Phi 3:1)
  • I am over everything. My power and authority extend everywhere. My kingdom has come, and my will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. You are my hands and my feet - stay connected to me as your head, so I may give you instructions regarding what to do and say, and the supernatural power to obey me. (Psa 103:19)
  • Submission

  • Faith is the only thing that matters in your life. Everything you do must be in trusting response to my will, which I will make known to you. You can't, at any time, substitute your own works for obeying me. There is no action you can take or thing you can offer that will make up for rejecting my instructions to you. I require that you be merciful to others, do the right thing, and walk humbly in obedience to me at all times. (Gal 2:17)
  • Your patience with the suffering of others publicly sets you apart. People enduring illness often feel so vulnerable and isolated, fearful, exhausted and overwhelmed. They are rarely at their best, and it would be very easy to get annoyed with them. But I call you to go with them not only one mile, but two. Forgive their ill humor or bad mood that pushes everyone else away, and move closer - close enough to touch them with my selfless, endless love. (Gal 4:14)
  • When you entered into a relationship with me by faith, you received every spiritual blessing I have to offer. I promised never to leave nor forsake you, and to take care of everything which you entrust to me. No one else can ever take away what I have given to you or promised you, nor can they give you more that I can give. For all eternity, I am yours and you are mine, and everything I have I share with you. Decide today to faithfully use the spiritual gifts I have given to you in service to me. (Gal 3:15)
  • Suffering

  • Always remember that God is good. Even though the enemy wants you to believe that God doesn't care, or you've done things that warrant Him allowing bad things to happen to you, our Father wants good things for you. He is the good, good Father that wants good things for His child. (Jer 29:11)
  • You are just passing through this world. I know it is an extended stay, but you aren't from here and you don't belong here. You are visiting, and will return to your home of origin, heaven, where you have your citizenship. So don't expect much from this temporary location - your rewards are at home, along with your loved ones and the One who made you. Live for me, your Savior, and I will return to take you home with me. (Phi 3:20)
  • When the father and I found you, there was nothing in you that justified you being a part of our kingdom. But we made you righteous by my blood sacrifice for your sins, which in turn made you worthy to be adopted as a child of God. And know that, when you suffer for being a Christian, you are proving your worthiness to be called a Christian. Stand firm for me, and I will deal with those that cause you suffering. (2The 1:5)
  • Temptation

  • You must not share in the sins of others, especially to fit in. Men love to make rules for other people. But I did not design you to follow rules. I designed you to follow me. What I want from you is simple, listen and obey. Stop and listen for me now. (1Tim 4:3)
  • Be careful of people who have an unhealthy interest in controversies, who quarrel about particular words, and who stir up envy, strife, evil speaking and suspicions toward others. If you find them often in the midst of friction between people, stay far away from them. You are called to bring peace wherever you go, so do not seek out trouble or those who cause it. (1Tim 6:4)
  • While the world is chasing after riches and material possessions, I want you to chase after good deeds, generosity, and eagerness to share what I have given to you with others. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you have provided for yourself, because I have been the source of everything you have received. I need you to be a good steward of all that I have entrusted to you, to use it for my kingdom. (1Tim 6:18)
  • Thanksgiving

  • Give thanks in all circumstances, if for no reason other than it is what our father asks of you. Gratitude is your greatest offensive weapon, keeping the enemy from distracting you with what you don't have. When you give thanks, you tell the father and I that you trust us no matter what. What are you grateful for today? (1The 5:18)
  • When you remember all I have done for you, where I have brought you out from, and how much I love you, it should result in overflowing gratitude. You should also feel compassion for those who are now where you were before you met me. Be patient, kind, and merciful to them as I have been to you. (Col 3:12)
  • I cannot urge you often enough to be praying for others - people you know well and people you know casually. Ask me to do things for these people, to intercede on their behalf with the father. Give thanks for them because I have placed them in your life for a particular reason. Who can you pray for right now? (1Tim 2:1)
  • Unity

  • Discord in the body of Christ can undermine what I want to accomplish. If you know that there are members who have problems with each other, and those issues will affect the unity of the body, then leadership needs to address those issues. You are all called to the ministry of reconciliation, which includes bringing people together on account of the Gospel. They don't need to agree on everything, only agree to set aside their differences in order to serve me better. (Phi 4:3)
  • You think that small disagreements between you and your brothers and sisters don't really mean much, but they create discord and disunity in my body. Unity doesn't always mean sharing the same ideas, but allowing others to have differing opinions. Sometimes you simply need to agree to disagree in order to keep the peace in the body. (Phi 4:2)
  • Victory

  • I came to empower you to live righteously. The enemy is always trying to destroy you, but I came specifically to destroy the enemy's work. Don't give in to his lies and deception. (1Joh 3:8)
  • Remember to call upon Me when you are facing temptation and troubling fleshly cravings. Call on me, acknowledge your weakness, and I WILL rescue you with my strength. Honor Me and bring Me glory by listening to my still small voice and obeying it. (Psa 50:15)
  • Remember those imprisoned for my sake. Pray for them that they will depend upon my supernatural power to sustain them, and not their own strength. Consider yourself their appointed guardian in prayer. (Col 4:18)
  • Wisdom

  • It is important to me that women dress modestly, not suggestively or inappropriately. Women should always dress to please me, not to attract sexual attention to themselves. I will bring them the right person at the right time, so they do not have to draw people with their looks. (1Tim 2:9)
  • My words are not only for you. Although I try to communicate my personal intentions for you through them, my word was meant to be shared. If I have taught you anything, I don't want you to keep it to yourself. Share it with the rest of the family, because that's how I intend for them to learn and mature. What could you share? (1The 5:27)
  • Be very careful to pay close attention to my words. They are trustworthy to convey my thoughts and my will without anyone adding to them. Learn them well so that you can encourage others by explaining my words to them, and especially to those who do not understand or believe. (Tit 1:9)
  • Witnessing

  • In me, you can be strong and have courage when facing overwhelming circumstances. I will empower you to live and speak for me at all times. You have no reason to be ashamed as long as I am exalted as Lord of your life. (Phi 1:20)
  • Love is what caused my father to offer his only son up so that you might have everlasting life. Love is what caused me to willingly lay down my life for your salvation. All I ask in return is that you love me and love others as I have loved you so that others may come to share in our love. (Joh 3:16)
  • You should speak with the assurance and boldness of those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. You are not to try and please people, only me, who tests your heart. Pray for the words to say, and listen for my leading regarding when to talk. (1The 2:4)
  • Worry

  • Your flesh will always want whatever it wants, like a toddler. It will never change. There will always be a struggle for it to be satisfied. So you must find ways to be satisfied in Me, at peace because you are filled with Me. Worship me, give thanks to me, soak in my presence - do whatever it takes in the spirit to be filled with me so you do not give in to the cravings of the flesh. (Psa 63:5)
  • Worrying doesn't accomplish anything. If you are going to set your mind on something, or use your mouth to say something, let it be in doing something that can change the situation. Remind yourself of everything that I have given to you for which you can be thankful, and in that attitude of gratefulness, come to me and ask me for whatever you need. This is the only way to gain peace in the midst of anxiety. (Phi 4:6)
  • When you feel like you are drowning in emotions that seem to pull you downward, remember that they are only feelings, and I am greater than your heart. Hopelessness only lives in a mind that has forgotten about me, because with me ALL things are possible. Praise me, and put your hope in my unfailing loving kindness toward you and my endless power, because unlike everything else you place your hope in, I will not disappoint you. (Psa 43:5)