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  • Step 9. We made direct amends to such people whenever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. - Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift. (Mat 5:23)
  • Step 6. We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. - Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. (Jam 4:10)
  • Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors and that our lives had become unmanageable. - I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. (Rom 7:18)
  • Abandonment

  • Because you are now a child of God, we only see you as part of our family. You are not seen in regard to religious creed, sex, race or any other earthly designation. We look at you and recognize the family resemblance - righteous and forgiven, filled with the Holy Spirit. You are one with us, and we are one with you; my shed blood binds us together forever. You can rest secure in your place in our family. (Gal 3:28)
  • When you live for me, my Holy Spirit fills you to overflowing, and you are saturated in my presence. When your life ends, you will be in my presence throughout all eternity. Since you belong to me, whether you live or die, we will be together forever - I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 1:21)
  • Spending eternity with me begins the moment you place your trust in me, and I place my spirit in you. My Holy Spirit connects us at all times, and we will never be apart from here on out. (1Joh 5:10)
  • Anger

  • Be very afraid of sliding into hatred. No one who hates truly has my life inside of them. Remain in my love. (1Joh 3:15)
  • Most arguments are stupid and futile. Don't waste your time with them. If someone is open to seeing the truth, then my Spirit will convince them of it - without your help. All you need to do is live in obedience to my Spirit, and I will do the rest. (Tit 3:9)
  • Husbands must remember what first drew them to their wives, what made them love her. I call them to treat her as they did when they courted her, and not as though she is some type of obstacle that is blocking them from getting what then want. They need to come to me for all of their needs, and I will provide them. (Col 3:19)
  • Anxiety

  • When you wonder whether or not your life will ever be changed, if you will ever be changed into my image, remember this. Our Father is using in your life the same power that He used to raise Me from the dead. This resurrection power is what will allow the old you to die off and the new you to be reborn into my likeness. Trust Him to complete what He has begun. (Eph 1:19)
  • The Father ordained that everyone that He brings to Me should remain with me forever. No one will be lost that has placed their faith and trust in me as Lord and Savior. I will raise up all who belong to me in the last day, and carry them away to live with me in my kingdom. Then we will never again be apart, but remain together throughout eternity. (Joh 6:39)
  • I want my Spirit to rain on you and saturate you through and through. Be still in my presence and let me pour my Spirit out upon you generously. In my Spirit is my life, my power, my love. Stop struggling and just soak. (Tit 3:6)
  • Authority

  • There will be times when I will send someone to correct you, because you have wandered away from the truth. It has happened to all of my followers at one time or another, so receive the reproof with humility and submission. I have sent them to you so that you will stop and take a good long look at your life, your words, your thoughts, your actions, and even your belongings, to make sure you are still in the center of my will. (Gal 2:11)
  • How you treat the people in authority over you reflects back on me and my name. This especially goes for your employers, because if they are unsaved, your conduct can draw them to me or repel them away from me. If they are saved, then you should serve them even better as a fellow believer. Take great care to watch your conduct, for others are always watching you. (1Tim 6:1)
  • I love my church, my bride. She is my body, held together by my spirit and my power, as long as she stays connected to and acknowledges me as her head. When the church obeys me and not man, my body grows in members and in power. (Col 2:19)
  • Correction

  • There will always be many people who are rebellious against my truth. They are full of meaningless talk which helps no one, and even speak outright deception. The worst of these are those who claim that you must obey their rules and regulations in order to hear me, instead of simply listening to my spirit and obeying. Have nothing to do with these people. (Tit 1:10)
  • It is my desire that each member of my flock is watched over by another member. That is why I assigned an order to my body, to my church. Those who are more mature in the Lord should watch over the younger ones, and train them up to be disciplined and faithful to me. Listen and wait for me to tell you how you can help someone else grow in me. (Tit 1:5)
  • Treat with respect those who are in authority over you, especially your employers. Do everything in your power to please them by giving them your very best. Watch your speech, and do not complain about them to others. This is the way to please and honor me at work and in church. (Tit 2:9)
  • Death

  • Through your continual obedience to Our Father, you are becoming more and more like me in character, attitude, and actions. But there is coming a day when you will see me, and you will be like me, because I will transform your body into a likeness of my glorious body. I can do that because my power can bring everything under subjection to me. Rejoice, because that day is coming. (Phi 3:21)
  • This world is temporary and fleeting. People come and go, and life still goes on. This may seem like a cruelty, but you are just a visitor, an alien in this world. You are now a spiritual person with a physical body, my emissary working on my behalf in this natural world until you return to live forever with me. Make the most of your time here, but do not think this is all there is. Your heavenly mansion, your complete healing, your reunion with loved ones still awaits you. (Psa 103:16)
  • The more you understand about me and my kingdom, the more hope you will have where others may experience despair. Death for non-believers leads to inconsolable grief. Death for believers is a momentary separation that will end in reunion in the future. Who can you share that hope with today? (1The 4:13)
  • Depression

  • You don't have to fear. You have no reason to be discouraged. I am always with you wherever you go, and I will direct you and fill you with my strength. (Jos 1:9)
  • I want my Spirit to rain on you and saturate you through and through. Be still in my presence and let me pour my Spirit out upon you generously. In my Spirit is my life, my power, my love. Stop struggling and just soak. (Tit 3:6)
  • Sometimes, you find your mind wandering toward thoughts of "what if" and "if only". If you will just turn your thoughts back to our Father's proven faithfulness, and rest in His care for you and His ability to handle every situation, you will find such peace. If you will quietly commit to complete trust in Him, you will find the strength you need to continue going. (Isa 30:15)
  • Discipline

  • I know sometimes you just want to lose it, but that is why I sent the Holy Spirit to live within you. As long as you surrender to him, the fruit of self-control will flourish, helping you to remain pure and kind, to stay busy with the things of God, and be respectful of those in authority over you. Do not give anyone the opportunity to speak evil of me because of misconduct on your part. In what area of your life do you need more self-control? (Tit 2:5)
  • Although I have a singular purpose for your life, you were never meant to go it alone. I need you to stand firm in my Holy Spirit alongside of your brothers and sisters in Christ. You need each other as you strive to bring the truth of my gospel to those who do not know me. (Phi 1:27)
  • You can do this! Don't give up! What you attempt, by faith, I will bless. I will give you my strength when you acknowledge your weakness, and I will give you the same contentment that I had in this world. (Phi 4:13)
  • Encouragement

  • When you are weak and turn to me for strength, I will fill you with my power. When you are afraid and call to me, I will give you the courage to continue. I am with you wherever you go, always a whisper away, to walk with you through everything. (Jos 1:9)
  • Be very very careful about people who claim to be Christians, but bring destruction wherever they go. Brothers and sisters should be encouraging and building each other up and not tearing each other down. You can witness to and teach these people, but do not become close friends with them, because they will only bring you down. (2The 3:6)
  • I never waste anything that happens to you. If you will surrender to me, I will use the things that occur in your life to bring people to myself, and transform you that much more into my image. When you are obedient and faithful to me, despite unfavorable circumstances, the truth of Who I am, what I did and what I can do spreads throughout your world. In what area of your life are you questioning my ability to turn it around for good? (Phi 1:12)
  • Faith

  • If you decide you want to make yourself feel "righteous" by obeying legalistic rules, then you are setting yourself up to have to obey every single rule, or be condemned by those very laws. If you live by the law, you can't pick and choose which laws you will and will not obey. Either you try to justify yourself by obeying regulations, or you live by faith in me, obeying what my Holy Spirit instructs. But only by living by faith are you considered righteous. (Gal 5:3)
  • Wives should be submissive to their husbands. This does not mean being a doormat, or allowing ungodly things to go on in the home. It means trusting me with all of their concerns instead of trusting in their husband, and resting on the fact that I will handle them as I see fit. (Col 3:18)
  • Wives must not rage and battle against their husbands. If they want something, they must come to me in prayer, and asked me for it. I can change even Pharaoh's hard heart; so I can change their husband's heart as well. (Col 3:18)
  • Fear

  • Many things can take you by surprise, but don't let them rock your world. Instead, make sure that you do not react, but that you strive to consistently act in love in every circumstance. That is how you live a life worthy of your calling. (Phi 1:27)
  • When you are upset, the only way to find peace is to hand all of your concerns over to the Father to handle as He sees fit. Increase your faith by reminding yourself of all of the times He has been faithful to take care of you in the past, and think on every good thing He has given to you. Then, my peace will come over you, the peace that cannot be obtained through reasoning or rationalization, but only through faith in the Father's goodness and power. (Phi 4:6)
  • Pray to me, and ask me for opportunities for you to share the good news about me. Do not be afraid or nervous about what you will say. I will provide the timing and the words. (Col 4:3)
  • For Men

  • Husbands must remember what first drew them to their wives, what made them love her. I call them to treat her as they did when they courted her, and not as though she is some type of obstacle that is blocking them from getting what then want. They need to come to me for all of their needs, and I will provide them. (Col 3:19)
  • Husbands must love their wives sacrificially, in a way that will cost them something, especially their time. Love shouldn't be given only when it's convenient, with nothing else to do. They must make time for her, and not begrudge it. (Col 3:19)
  • For Women

  • I love you more than you will ever know on earth. But one day, you will come home to me, and you will experience the fullness of my love for you throughout eternity. (Joh 14:2)
  • What makes a woman beautiful is her continued faith in me, expressed in her love for others, and a life marked with holiness. She is radiant in her righteousness, fit to be my bride. Strive for this internal beauty that will last forever. (1Tim 2:15)
  • I can't wait until I can hold you in my arms and embrace you. You are my beloved one, my sister and my love. (Son 2:6)
  • Forgiveness

  • You have been redeemed, and forgiven of all of your sins, through the blood I shed on the cross. That was a one time payment covering all of your past, present, and future sins. You only need to confess your sins to me and return to me with your whole heart, to be cleansed. (Col 1:14)
  • Our Father has rescued you from darkness and brought you into my kingdom, the kingdom of the son he loves. Remember the place from which he rescued you, and the price I paid to ransom you. That is how much we love you. (Col 1:13)
  • You have been reconciled to my father through the death I endured in order to pay for your sins. So now, when our Father looks at you, he sees you without blemish, and does not receive a single accusation about you spoken by the enemy. (Col 1:22)
  • Giving

  • It is not enough to have kindly thoughts towards someone in need, to feel compassion for their situation and not to express it in a practical way. If you have the opportunity to do something about it, then do it. Remember that you are a part of a larger body, and you must take care of one another. Put yourself in their place and act as you would want someone else to act on your behalf. (Phi 4:10)
  • Those who minister on my behalf full-time are deserving of financial and material support. They take care of your spiritual needs, oversee your souls and trust me to provide for their needs. I will use you and my provision in your life to help provide for them. Don't ever think for one moment that you have earned your money apart from my favor. So spend your money as I direct you as well. (Phi 4:16)
  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • Grief

  • Remember that your life is not your own; you belong to me. It is important that you remain as a part of my body on earth, because my plans for you also affect my plans for others' lives. Trust me, because I know the plans I have for you, and they are to prosper you and those whom you touch on my behalf. (Phi 1:24)
  • When you are tossed back and forth by your emotions, letting them determine what you will do, you cannot expect to learn and act on the truth. Your feelings change from moment to moment, so you can only trust my word. Listen to my spirit, trust him and obey, despite whatever your emotions say. (2Tim 3:7)
  • I am coming back for you. I told you before that I have gone to prepare a place for you to live with me forever. Those believers who have already passed on in death will be there with me to meet you. What incredible rejoicing there will be! (1The 4:15)
  • Healing

  • I can turn any situation into one that glorifies our Father and further transforms you into my image. I can even take sickness and use it for good, displaying my mighty power within you while you are humanly weak. I can open doors for witnessing that were previously shut, and provide opportunities for miracles. I am still with you, remaining Lord over all, and I will not waste one opportunity to bring you closer to me, and simultaneously reconcile the world to our Father. (Gal 4:13)
  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • Jonah could not stand the thought of me showing mercy to Israel's enemies, he wanted all of them to perish even though they were warned. I know the hurt your going through because of people in your past, I don't condone their actions, but I don't approve of your Judgements of them either. (Mat 5:44)
  • Heaven

  • Now that you belong to me, you live by an entirely new and different code - the code of self-sacrificial love. My father does not judge you by rules and regulations, but by whether or not you obey what I tell you, either through the word or personally through prayer. Beware of people who say you have to follow their rules to get to heaven - follow only me! (Col 2:20)
  • This world is temporary and fleeting. People come and go, and life still goes on. This may seem like a cruelty, but you are just a visitor, an alien in this world. You are now a spiritual person with a physical body, my emissary working on my behalf in this natural world until you return to live forever with me. Make the most of your time here, but do not think this is all there is. Your heavenly mansion, your complete healing, your reunion with loved ones still awaits you. (Psa 103:16)
  • Everything in heaven and on earth, seen and unseen, was created by my father and I. All of the rulers and people with power and authority have been placed there by my father, to accomplish His will. You can trust that he knows what he is doing in your life. (Col 1:16)
  • Holiness

  • In the same way that I poured everything I had out for you, I need you to be willing to pour yourself out for me. I need you to lay yourself down on the altar as a living sacrifice for me, pure, holy, acceptable. That means laying down your rights, your dreams, and your desires, so that my will might be done in your life and the lives of others. Are you willing to do this? (2Tim 4:6)
  • Never ever tire of doing what is good. It is easier to take the low road so many times, and requires much more effort to do what is right. But the road that leads to destruction is very wide, and many follow it. You however are called to the narrow road that leads to eternal life. (2The 3:13)
  • Do not allow the tempter to drag you away from your life of holiness and righteousness. If he can discourage you through your sin, and discredit you through ungodly actions, your labors could be in vain. Remember that others are watching you, so protect yourself from temptation. What is the greatest threat you face? (1The 3:5)
  • Hope

  • No man knows when I will come to you. It is for the father to choose the day and time. But I will come, and for those who do not know me, destruction will come suddenly. However, for those who belong to me, they will experience everlasting life, joy and peace. Who do you wish you could share my life with? (1The 5:1)
  • I knew you while you were yet in your mother's womb. I fashioned and formed you for the purpose for which you were born. I have set you apart from this world and from others that you might fulfill your calling and be dedicated to me. And I will empower you by my Holy Spirit to complete every good work I have assigned to you. Your surrender to me and my will brings me great pleasure. (Gal 1:15)
  • What you see is what you get when you live by sight. But when you live by faith, you get so much more than what you see. You receive my peace, my power, my love, my presence - all of the things that are invisible but eternal. Hope comes when you focus your eyes away from temporary things and onto your future with me forever. (2Cor 4:18)
  • Humility

  • I know you could list off the reasons to be proud of yourself, the things you have done right all on your own. But they are nothing to boast about. Recounting to yourself and others your accomplishments is a sign of your own insecurity in me, your thoughts and fears that you are not enough just as you are, and have to keep on bolstering your self-worth through your achievements. All that matters is what I have achieved in and through you by my Spirit. Stop striving and let me be your source of worth today. (Phi 3:4)
  • There will be times when I will hold you back from going to certain places, or meeting with certain people. There is a time and a season and a purpose for everything I do and do not do. Simply listen and obey, go when I say go, follow when I say follow. Trust my timing for everything in your life. In what area of your life are you tempted to rush ahead of me? (Gal 1:18)
  • The entire purpose of your life is to reveal me to others. When they hear you speak, when they see you sacrificially give to others, when they witness my power working through you in impossible situations, and when you surrender joyfully to my will even when it is not what you want, they will see me in you. I am glorified in you when you surrender to my spirit and act like me. (Gal 1:16)
  • Joy

  • Because you know me, the timing of my return may be unknown, but you expect my coming. To those who do not know me, my return will be frightening. However, for you, it will be the sudden fulfillment of a long desired hope, like a dream come true. Tell me what you've dreamed of doing in heaven... (1The 5:4)
  • People will learn everything they need to know about you by watching you. Your way of life must reflect my purpose for you, your faith in me, your patience with others, your love for me and others, and your willingness to endure hardship for my sake. You are my letter which I have written for all of the world to read. Live for Me. (2Tim 3:10)
  • Oh, how much joy you will experience in the presence of our father because of those you have turned toward him. Those at one time destined for eternal separation from God will dance before you in his presence, and you will see the difference that your faithfulness and love has made in the lives of others. Imagine it now. (1The 3:9)
  • Judgement

  • If I have revealed something to you that aligns with the truth of my Word, do not be intimidated by those around you who disagree with you. If either you or they are wrong, I am fully capable of revealing the truth to everyone involved. Do not argue. Just persist in living according to the revelation which you have received, regardless if others agree with you or not. (Gal 2:5)
  • Although I am merciful, wrongdoers will always have to pay for their actions. There is an effect to everything that you do. If the ripple from your actions harms someone else, you will be held accountable for it. (Col 3:25)
  • Living by rules and regulations is the opposite of living by faith in me. You can live by a set of laws without ever knowing or having a relationship with me. Whatever you choose to live by is what you will be judged against. If you want to live by rules, you'll have to keep them perfectly. It is much simpler to live by my daily words to you, because I will also give you the supernatural power (grace) to accomplish what I instruct you to do. (Gal 3:12)
  • Love

  • You strive so hard to be known and remembered in this world. However, once you are gone, you will likely be cherished only in the hearts of those you have loved and who have loved you. In the face of eternity, the only things that will count are what you did for me out of my agape love for others. Spend your life so loving me that you will naturally love others and draw them to me. Make an eternal difference by living in such a way that others want to give themselves to me. (Psa 103:15)
  • Don't get all caught up in the rules and regulations like the rest of the world. This is the most important thing: Are you trusting in and obeying me? Are you loving others as I would love them? (1Joh 3:23)
  • Remember back to a time when you lived without me, and then the difference I made in your life when I appeared to you. I brought kindness and love you had never before experienced, and salvation from the penalty and power of sin. Soon I will rescue you from the presence of sin because I am coming back for you just as I promised. Be ready for my return! (Tit 3:4)
  • Mercy

  • Many people really believe that what they have been taught by others is the truth. They will act upon it with all earnestness. But that does not mean that it is the truth. Be careful to compare what others say to the truth of my word. And be merciful to those who believe not according to my word but what they have been taught. You do not have the complete truth either, so do not judge them. (Gal 1:14)
  • Our Father's love for His children is like the love of a mother for her unborn child. That love has nothing to do with the child's behavior or appearance, two things which many people believe determine whether or not they will be loved. No, a mother loves her unborn child simply because it belongs to her, it lives inside of her and is forever tied to her. So is our Father's love for those who are His, who have His Spirit living in them. How can you respond to our Father's love today? (Psa 103:13)
  • Our Father knows what His children are made of, both literally and figuratively. He formed you from the dust of the ground, as is proven by comparing the elements found in the earth's crust and your physical body. But more crucially, He understands your failings and flaws because I became a man and experienced every temptation and emotion you experience. I am the high priest that truly empathizes with your struggles, so come and share with me your heart's cries, knowing I truly understand. (Psa 103:14)


  • People make the Christian life out to be much harder than it is. Religions have substituted their own rules, regulations and sacrifices for my simple command to listen, trust and obey whatever I say, whenever I say it. That's how you receive salvation, and how my Holy Spirit comes to live within and fill you with my knowledge, my characteristics and my power. Spend some time in my presence today, listening for my words of life for your situation. (Gal 3:2)
  • I know it is easy to be tempted to revenge when someone else has wronged you, especially, if you know you were in the right. One of the greatest ways to apply your faith is to respond with a blessing. Moreover, be an example to others who may be with you in times of trouble so that they can glorify the Father in Heaven. Learn to trust me with all your heart, even in trouble. (Rom 12:19)
  • There are those who oppose and ridicule the truth of my word. Their minds are depraved, and they reject knowledge of me. But it is not long before they expose themselves for the foolish people they are. Let me deal with them, and do not try to change their mind. Stay far away from them. (2Tim 3:9)
  • Patience

  • You are a part of my family, and you must be willing to get involved in the lives of your brothers and sisters personally. Warn those who are either not doing anything for the kingdom, or are doing things to pull people apart. Encourage the disheartened, help the weak, and be patient with everyone. For whom can you be my hands and feet today? (1The 5:14)
  • You should know by now that the most important thing you can do is love your brothers and sisters as an act of obedience and love to me and our father. People may annoy, or even reject you, but love does not depend upon someone else's reaction to you. Love means giving of yourself for the benefit of someone else on my behalf. Who do you need help loving today? (1The 4:9)
  • Real love, my love, will always cost you something. It will cover over many sins that others do against you. It will absorb the penalty for those sins, instead of making them pay the penalty. Are you struggling with loving someone today? (1Joh 4:10)
  • Peace

  • I want people everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands in praise, not in anger or argument. You are all a part of my body, members that must value each other and treat each other with respect. Do whatever is in your power to be at peace with everyone around you. Who are you struggling with today? (1Tim 2:8)
  • Today, I will fill you with my supernatural power so you may obey me. I will show you mercy, and expect you to show mercy toward others in the same way. And I will fill you with peace that passes all understanding. Everyday, this is my promise to you. (2Tim 1:2)
  • I am breathing peace upon you. I give my peace to you so you will have it with you in every situation, dealing with every person. It is always available for you through my Holy Spirit - just surrender to Him, and trust the Father and I to take care of what is important to you. Do not let your heart be troubled over anything - trust in me and be surrounded with my peace. (Joh 14:27)
  • Power

  • Today, I will fill you with my supernatural power so you may obey me. I will show you mercy, and expect you to show mercy toward others in the same way. And I will fill you with peace that passes all understanding. Everyday, this is my promise to you. (2Tim 1:2)
  • This world is evil. People naturally are selfish and self-protecting, and even creation has been warped since the time of the Fall. But I willingly laid my life down to pay for your sins, and to rescue you from the power of this present evil age. If I had not gone away, the Holy Spirit would not have come to live inside of you, giving you the power to live godly every day. That is the will of our father for your life. (Gal 1:4)
  • The more time you spend with us, the more you will get to know our characteristics and personality. We reveal ourselves to you personally through the Word, through your experiences with us, and seeing us work in the lives of others. We want to make ourselves known to you, so you can confidently rest in the knowledge of our trustworthiness and power when things don't seem to make sense or go your way. Find time for us today. (Psa 103:7)
  • Praise and Worship

  • Pray all the time. I don't necessarily mean stopping, kneeling and closing your eyes. I mean talk to me all throughout the day. I'm always with you, just waiting for you to communicate with me, and wanting to communicate with you as well. (1The 5:17)
  • Let me describe to you a woman who brings praise to my name. She is well-known for her good deeds, including bringing up children, showing hospitality to others, and serving those in need. She devotes herself to listening for my direction and instructions on who to help and how to help those who cannot help themselves. This is how she shows her dedication to and love for me. (1Tim 5:10)
  • I am the head of the Church, my body. I am the beginning and the end, the first born from among the dead, and I rule over all. I deserve the highest place in your life, your worship, your praise and adoration. Most of all, I deserve your obedience. (Col 1:18)
  • Prayer

  • For the unbelieving, wickedness feels good. Sin is pleasurable for a season, but then comes the wages of sin which is death. Too many love their wickedness, and therefore refuse to see the truth and come to me. Pray for them that their eyes may be opened, and that they may not die from their wickedness, but will repent and take me as their lord and savior. (2The 2:12)
  • It is so easy to get distracted by things that don't go your way, but that leads to grumbling and complaining which does NOTHING to glorify our good Father. The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike, but only those who have entrusted themselves to the care of the Father can be sure that every obstacle and hindrance can be used to make you more like me. Choose praise and prayer over grumbling and complaining every time. (Phi 2:14)
  • Don't be surprised when evil people around you seem to go from bad to worse. Those who turn away from me get further and further away with every wrong thought and action. They do not want to know me, the Truth, and would rather believe the lies they have created. You must leave them to me, for you can do nothing but pray for them. (2Tim 3:13)
  • Pride

  • You do not need praise from anyone else, only from me. Even though you carry my authority wherever you go, you do not need other people to recognize that authority. Rarely did I exert my authority over others, but always served. With whom are you tempted to display your authority? (1The 2:6)
  • There are those who oppose and ridicule the truth of my word. Their minds are depraved, and they reject knowledge of me. But it is not long before they expose themselves for the foolish people they are. Let me deal with them, and do not try to change their mind. Stay far away from them. (2Tim 3:9)
  • Everything you have accomplished on your own is basically worthless in and to the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those things that are inspired by and carried through by my Spirit will last - everything else will pass away. Until you consider as loss everything you do apart from me, you will still wander away, expending your energy pointlessly. Make sure you are listening to and obeying my words only. (Phi 3:7)
  • Purpose

  • I saved you and called you to a holy life solely because I love you, not because of anything you have done for me. I created you with a specific kingdom purpose, and have filled you with my spirit to empower you to fulfill that purpose. Every day, remember that I am waiting to give you instructions to accomplish my will - listen for me, pay attention, and then obey me. (2Tim 1:9)
  • I have appointed you as my personal messenger to tell others about me. Your changed life is a miraculous sign to others proving that what you say is true. Teach them what you know and don't worry about what you don't yet know. Just bring them one step closer to me - I will do the rest. (2Tim 1:11)
  • People will learn everything they need to know about you by watching you. Your way of life must reflect my purpose for you, your faith in me, your patience with others, your love for me and others, and your willingness to endure hardship for my sake. You are my letter which I have written for all of the world to read. Live for Me. (2Tim 3:10)
  • Rejection

  • Always keep in mind that your rewards in life and eternity come from me, no one else. I am the one you need to please, no one else. Do everything in a way that will bring glory to our father. (Col 3:24)
  • The entire reason that I died for you is so you may live with me forever. At work or in play, awake or asleep, in life or in death, you and I are always together. When you feel alone, call out to me, pray to me, and I will answer you. Do you want to talk with me now? (1The 5:10)
  • When people ridicule or scorn you because of your beliefs, remember all that I endured when others railed against me. If you don't keep me, the Perfecter of your faith, in front of your mind, you will faint and become weary. Rejoice because you are sharing in my sufferings. (Heb 12:3)
  • Repentance

  • Everyone wants to be loved and accepted, but it cannot be the focus of your life. The only approval you should strive for is mine. Everyone else's approval is fickle and temporary at best, loving and giving to you only when it best suits them. My approval is eternal, so love and serve me only, and let me bring to you the people who will love and accept you as I do. (Gal 1:10)
  • If someone does not agree with you in regard to my truth, do not try to overpower them by force. You must instruct them gently, and I by my spirit will lead them to repentance, so they can enter into a knowledge of me and my truth. Only then can they come to an understanding of my kingdom. (2Tim 2:25)
  • Reminders of your failures only come from 2 places - the enemy of your soul and your own heart. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, but never try to make you feel worthless. He expresses my love for you while reminding you what I have said about sin and righteousness. Our Father will not continue to accuse you of something for which you have repented - He is not angry about what has been forgiven. Trust in His never ending love for you, and the permanence of the salvation I have purchased for you with my own blood. (Psa 103:9)
  • Righteousness

  • My words can make you wiser than you ever imagined. But wisdom only comes when you act on my words in faith. Apply them in everyday situations, for my words are not only for leading you to salvation, but for making you holy and righteous in this world. (2Tim 3:15)
  • I understand your temptations much better than you think I do. But don't fall into that trap. You've got to stay in love with me, not the world. (1Joh 2:15)
  • By my death, I paid the debt that you owed because of your sins, and purchased you out of slavery to sin. You are now free to live for me by the power and guidance of my Spirit living within you. You are no longer condemned for the sins of your flesh because you now live by faith in me and the Father says you are righteous and holy. Do not endanger your freedom by trying to earn your righteousness through following laws, or enslaving yourself to habitual sin. (Gal 5:1)
  • Salvation

  • When I sacrificed myself out of love for you, paying the penalty for your sin, you died along with me to the religious laws made by men. When I rose again, you were raised as a new spiritual being, with my Holy Spirit living within you to lead and guide you. The rest of your life must be characterized by your complete confidence in my ability to take care of you and what matters to you. In what area of your life are you struggling to have confidence in Me? (Gal 2:20)
  • My purpose for you is to be my servant, leading others to the knowledge of me, so they will trust in me. Their faith will allow me to come and live inside of them by my spirit, so that they can live a godly life. You lead the charge to bring the hope of eternal life to a lost and dying world around you. (Tit 1:1)
  • The wrath of God will come upon those who turn away from God. However, it is his desire that none should perish, and all should come to the knowledge of God and experience eternal life. Do your best to see beyond their sin and see the person that I died for. Who are you struggling to love? (1The 2:16)
  • Security

  • When you came to me in faith, you were no longer held accountable to the tyrannical rules of the law. By my indwelling Spirit you are led, moment by moment, according to my instruction about what to do in every situation. So do not go back to trying to figure out what is right and wrong on your own. Instead, show that you love me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and show that you love those around you as you want me to love you. (Gal 4:12)
  • When you learn how to find your fulfillment and joy in me despite your external circumstances, you will enjoy endless peace. You never need to doubt that I will provide for whatever you need, especially the ability to continue in the midst of adversity. A lack of things will never affect you while your trust is placed firmly in my loving kindness, power, and faithfulness. What in your life is making you doubt my faithfulness? (Phi 4:12)
  • When you finally accept me as your true provider, realizing that I know your needs and love you enough to meet them, you will be able to be content no matter what circumstances arise. You will not be shaken by sudden changes in situations, because you know that I am still Lord over all people and things. If you find your contentment in me alone, you will never be disappointed, because I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 4:11)
  • Servanthood

  • I know you could list off the reasons to be proud of yourself, the things you have done right all on your own. But they are nothing to boast about. Recounting to yourself and others your accomplishments is a sign of your own insecurity in me, your thoughts and fears that you are not enough just as you are, and have to keep on bolstering your self-worth through your achievements. All that matters is what I have achieved in and through you by my Spirit. Stop striving and let me be your source of worth today. (Phi 3:4)
  • Everyone lives by their own code, or by a code that someone else has set for them. Some people believe that I have a set of rules and regulations that, if they follow them, will allow them to get into heaven. But I have only one two-part rule - LISTEN and OBEY. My commands for you personally can change from situation to situation, so live by every word that proceeds from my mouth. (Gal 2:19)
  • In the old days, proof that we were in covenant together was evident by circumcision of the body. But now, it is evident through circumcision of the heart. The outer shell of your old heart of stone has been removed to reveal a vulnerable, tender new heart of flesh, that was fashioned by and continues to be moved by my Spirit. Put no confidence in your fleshly desires, but serve me by obeying the leading of my Spirit, empowered by my Spirit. (Phi 3:3)
  • Sin

  • When in a position of power, it is easy to fall into the trap of taking advantage of others. But I demand that you be fair and good, so that those who work under you see me in you, and praise their father in Heaven for you. (Col 4:1)
  • One good reason to read my Word every day is to make sure that your thoughts and actions are still in line with the truth of the gospel. After you have hung around others, do they think more highly of Me and our Father? Do they want to know us more, do they want to be around people who know us, and do they want to be a part of our body? Do you remind them of Me, or do you remind them of themselves? Make sure you pay closer attention to that today. (Gal 2:14)
  • There are many things that you can be proud of, but the biggest joy and greatest reward are the people you have led to Our Father by your words, and more importantly, with your life. Those who have come into the kingdom because of you are like beautiful jewels in your crown. Who else do you want to bring to me? (1The 2:19)
  • Strength

  • The father and I want to work in you to make you worthy of your calling to be a part of our kingdom. By our own power, we will fulfill every desire you have to be good and righteous and holy. We will empower you in every work you perform out of faith in and obedience to what we say to you. Do you understand that we never ask you to do something without giving you the power to do it? What do you need us to empower you for today? (2The 1:11)
  • My supernatural, divine power is always with you. It gives you the ability to respond to me in obedience in situations where your mind and body fail you. Utilize that gift of grace to live holy and righteously, to bring others into the kingdom, and to love others as I love you. How can you use my grace today? (1The 5:28)
  • Our father is completely able to complete the work he has begun in you. He wouldn't have called you according to his purpose if he wasn't faithful to equip you for that purpose. Surrender to his will and his training methods, and he will accomplish great and mighty things for the kingdom through you. What can you surrender to him right now? (1The 5:24)
  • Submission

  • I have given you everything you need to live a godly life. You received that power solely by repenting and placing your faith in me. At that time, your spirit became alive, and my Holy Spirit came to live inside of you. So you don't have to complete a daily checklist, or follow a set of external rules, to earn my favor or get what you need from me. Just listen to my Spirit and obey what He says, and everything I have will be made available to you. (Gal 3:3)
  • I can use all things, good and bad, to bring me glory. I can use the past of a person who did not believe, or who was cruel against believers, to accomplish my purpose. The transformation of a soul from angry and belligerent to loving and submissive is one of my greatest tools for bringing others to me. Do not give up hope for that one person for whom you keep praying. (Gal 1:23)
  • Everyone lives by their own code, or by a code that someone else has set for them. Some people believe that I have a set of rules and regulations that, if they follow them, will allow them to get into heaven. But I have only one two-part rule - LISTEN and OBEY. My commands for you personally can change from situation to situation, so live by every word that proceeds from my mouth. (Gal 2:19)
  • Suffering

  • When you feel like you are drowning in emotions that seem to pull you downward, remember that they are only feelings, and I am greater than your heart. Hopelessness only lives in a mind that has forgotten about me, because with me ALL things are possible. Praise me, and put your hope in my unfailing loving kindness toward you and my endless power, because unlike everything else you place your hope in, I will not disappoint you. (Psa 43:5)
  • Do not be surprised when you face persecution. I told you beforehand that if they persecuted me that they will persecute you also. But be encouraged, have no fear, for I am with you always. Tell me what I can do to help you live for me today. (1The 3:4)
  • You always have a choice - you can listen to the evil reports of the world and the enemy, or believe the good report of the Father. Open gratitude for all that He has done for you makes you stand out as a blameless and pure Child of God among a godless, warped and crooked generation. Today, SHINE for me, live your life so obviously for me that everyone will see your good works and praise your Father in heaven. (Phi 2:15)
  • Temptation

  • Don't fall into the trap of setting your eyes on other people and what I am doing in their life. I have a different plan for each of you, so you cannot compare yourself to anyone else. I am at work in everyone to complete what I started in each individual, so don't waste your time trying to figure out why I'm doing what I'm doing over there. Just keep your eyes on me, and you faith in me. (Gal 2:8)
  • Many people want to change the gospel to fit their lifestyle. They say that my word was only good for a season or in a certain age, but my word is true and eternal. The bottom line is that believers lives' should prove in practical ways that the Father (and His Word) is the priority of their life, and that they are willing to surrender and submit to his will. In what area of your life are you tempted to live according to this world's customs? (Gal 1:7)
  • The enemy is continually trying to tear apart the body. One way is by bringing up accusations against the leaders in your church. The accusation may come through another brother or sister, or maybe it arises from your own mind, but do not meditate on it, and do not repeat it. If there is any issue, go directly to the person and speak to them about it. Otherwise, treat it like the poison that it is, and avoid contact with it. (1Tim 5:19)
  • Thanksgiving

  • Hold firmly to the truth you have learned of me through my Holy Spirit. Every day, you are bombarded by falsehoods, misrepresentations, and even communications spawned by sheer evil. If you meditate on these things, your gaze will be focused on the world and your attitude will become increasingly fleshly. Do not lose all of the ground you have gained through your hard labor in Christ by letting the truth slip from your grasp. Hold on! (Phi 2:16)
  • I cannot urge you often enough to be praying for others - people you know well and people you know casually. Ask me to do things for these people, to intercede on their behalf with the father. Give thanks for them because I have placed them in your life for a particular reason. Who can you pray for right now? (1Tim 2:1)
  • When you pray for others, our father is so pleased with you. It is the same way when you offer up thanksgiving to God. It is like a sweet smelling savor, a fragrant perfume that rises before him and makes him glad. For what can you offer thanksgiving to Him right now? (1Tim 2:3)
  • Unity

  • You think that small disagreements between you and your brothers and sisters don't really mean much, but they create discord and disunity in my body. Unity doesn't always mean sharing the same ideas, but allowing others to have differing opinions. Sometimes you simply need to agree to disagree in order to keep the peace in the body. (Phi 4:2)
  • Discord in the body of Christ can undermine what I want to accomplish. If you know that there are members who have problems with each other, and those issues will affect the unity of the body, then leadership needs to address those issues. You are all called to the ministry of reconciliation, which includes bringing people together on account of the Gospel. They don't need to agree on everything, only agree to set aside their differences in order to serve me better. (Phi 4:3)
  • Victory

  • I love how much we are starting to look alike. You are becoming the express image of me in your world just like I was the express image of our Father in my world. (1Joh 4:17)
  • Everything I ask you to do, I promise to do through you if you will surrender to my spirit' s leading and power. The energy you need to fight off the world and to live victoriously for me will work powerfully in you. So use up every bit of that energy to serve and obey me. (Col 1:29)
  • Do not be surprised when you face persecution. I told you beforehand that if they persecuted me that they will persecute you also. But be encouraged, have no fear, for I am with you always. Tell me what I can do to help you live for me today. (1The 3:4)
  • Wisdom

  • Your emotions can so often make you very vulnerable to attacks. When you are hurting or needy, agents of the enemy can prey on your weaknesses. When you are feeling empty, alone, or wanting excitement, your flesh is all too ready for you to indulge in sensual pleasure. Do not allow anyone to take advantage of you when you are like this, but protect yourself by constant prayer. (2Tim 3:6)
  • My people must be devoted - to me and to doing what I deem is good. You are the answer to someone else's urgent need, and I need your heart and spirit to be ready to respond generously to them. If you obey me, your life will produce the fruit of my Spirit in abundance, and you will leave a trail of blessings wherever you go. (Tit 3:14)
  • My prayer for you today is that you will be united in love with, and encouraged in heart by your brothers and sisters in Christ. This is the only way to have complete understanding of me and my love. I designed you with a need for love, as well as the capacity to give love. But you must remain in fellowship with my people in order to experience love in its fullness. (Col 2:2)
  • Witnessing

  • The message of my saving power and loving kindness is "preached" every time you walk in faith in me. You show the world that I am real, testify of my goodness and worthiness to be followed and served. Remember that big and little eyes are watching you at all times. (1The 1:8)
  • I am the main model for your behavior, your thoughts, your words, and your attitude. However, I have put others around you who are more mature than you, and they are to be your models as well. You are also my model for those who are less mature than you - they are always looking at you. So walk worthy of your calling, and remember that you represent me at all times. (Phi 3:17)
  • I have chosen you to minister to very specific people. You don't need to know ahead of time who they are, you just need to listen to my still small voice and follow my lead. Do not fall into the trap of feeling inferior because you are not reaching some people the way others do - my plan for your life is distinct from theirs. Just be faithful to do as I instruct you. (Gal 2:7)
  • Worry

  • It doesn't matter how dark the night seems, or how deep the valley goes. You don't need to fear because I am always with you. If you wander away too far, I will reach out and bring you back to me. Be comforted in the fact that I am your shepherd that leads you, your protector and provider, and nothing and no one can withstand my power. (Psa 23:4)
  • If you are not sure about something, don't worry about that. We will make that clear to you in due time. If it is a subject of debate between you and someone else, do not feel you have to prove you are right or have all the answers. I will reveal what needs to be known at the right time to the right people. Trust me in this. (Phi 3:15)
  • No matter what you are going through, I will rescue you from every situation. It may not be in your timing nor in the way you expected, but I will find a way for you, and give you the strength to bear it while you remain under the weight of it. Trust Me. (2Tim 3:11)