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  • Step 10. We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. - So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! (1Cor 10:12)
  • Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I've done to others when possible, except when to do so would harm them or others. (Steps 8 and 9) (Mat 5:7)
  • Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and my words. (Step 12) (Mat 5:10)
  • Abandonment

  • There will be times when I will hold you back from going to certain places, or meeting with certain people. There is a time and a season and a purpose for everything I do and do not do. Simply listen and obey, go when I say go, follow when I say follow. Trust my timing for everything in your life. In what area of your life are you tempted to rush ahead of me? (Gal 1:18)
  • My promise to you is that I am with you always, speaking to your spirit. My grace, my Supernatural empowerment in your life to obey me, is always with you. There is nothing that you face alone, nor are powerless to overcome, because I will never leave you nor forsake you, and I have overcome this world. (2Tim 4:22)
  • There will be times when you feel as though everyone has deserted you, and no one came to support you in your time of need. But I command you not to hold this against them. Every person has their own path that they must walk, and although their paths may cross yours for a season, few will remain on the road with you. Let them and the hurt go. (2Tim 4:16)
  • Anger

  • Many things can take you by surprise, but don't let them rock your world. Instead, make sure that you do not react, but that you strive to consistently act in love in every circumstance. That is how you live a life worthy of your calling. (Phi 1:27)
  • The greatest gift you can have on this earth is contentment with what you have. If you are living in a way that pleases me, and you have the necessities of life, that is enough for you. Be grateful for every single thing that I have provided for you, and do not focus on what you do not have, because that will lead you into bitterness, anger, and envy. Has your focus been drifting lately? (1Tim 6:6)
  • Why do you struggle and have problems with anger? It's only because you want something that you cannot have, and God is not giving it to you in your timing. You are tempted to go around God to get it for yourself, so you are aggravated. Don't take it out on other people, but wait patiently for me to bring you what you need in my timing. (Jam 4:1)
  • Anxiety

  • Many will abandon you as you walk along my narrow road. Do not be surprised, because some people I place in your life only for a season, only for certain lessons. Do not place your hope in anyone other than me, for I will always come to you quickly and provide everything that you need. (2Tim 4:10)
  • Don't fall into the trap of setting your eyes on other people and what I am doing in their life. I have a different plan for each of you, so you cannot compare yourself to anyone else. I am at work in everyone to complete what I started in each individual, so don't waste your time trying to figure out why I'm doing what I'm doing over there. Just keep your eyes on me, and you faith in me. (Gal 2:8)
  • Don't put your trust in other people and other relationships - that will always lead to disappointment. People come and go, and do not have control over their own actions or what will happen to them. But you can completely trust in and rely upon me, because I will never, never, never leave you or abandon you. (Heb 13:5)
  • Authority

  • When you finally accept me as your true provider, realizing that I know your needs and love you enough to meet them, you will be able to be content no matter what circumstances arise. You will not be shaken by sudden changes in situations, because you know that I am still Lord over all people and things. If you find your contentment in me alone, you will never be disappointed, because I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 4:11)
  • Not everyone acknowledges now that I am King over all, but there is coming a day when they will have to admit it. They will come face to face with me, recognizing the truth of who I am, falling to their knees in awe, and confessing aloud who I am. It doesn't mean everyone will accept me as their own Lord, but there will be no way to deny my Kingship. (Phi 2:10)
  • I will reveal things to you privately, however not everything is to be shared publicly with others. When you are in doubt about whether or not something is from me, then share it in private to a select few who are more mature in their relationship with me, and who walk according to their talk. Take their counsel about whether or not what you believe you have received fits into the entire counsel of God through my Word. If it is confirmed, then share it as I direct you. (Gal 2:2)
  • Correction

  • My word will teach you things you need to know, rebuke you when you have turned away from me, will show you the right way of doing things, and make you disciplined. If you want to be righteous, then you must apply my instructions to your entire life all the time, not just when it is easy or convenient. (2Tim 3:16)
  • I know sometimes you just want to lose it, but that is why I sent the Holy Spirit to live within you. As long as you surrender to him, the fruit of self-control will flourish, helping you to remain pure and kind, to stay busy with the things of God, and be respectful of those in authority over you. Do not give anyone the opportunity to speak evil of me because of misconduct on your part. In what area of your life do you need more self-control? (Tit 2:5)
  • Reminders of your failures only come from 2 places - the enemy of your soul and your own heart. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, but never try to make you feel worthless. He expresses my love for you while reminding you what I have said about sin and righteousness. Our Father will not continue to accuse you of something for which you have repented - He is not angry about what has been forgiven. Trust in His never ending love for you, and the permanence of the salvation I have purchased for you with my own blood. (Psa 103:9)
  • Death

  • Through your continual obedience to Our Father, you are becoming more and more like me in character, attitude, and actions. But there is coming a day when you will see me, and you will be like me, because I will transform your body into a likeness of my glorious body. I can do that because my power can bring everything under subjection to me. Rejoice, because that day is coming. (Phi 3:21)
  • I am coming back for you. I told you before that I have gone to prepare a place for you to live with me forever. Those believers who have already passed on in death will be there with me to meet you. What incredible rejoicing there will be! (1The 4:15)
  • There is no reason to fear, because I have overcome your greatest worries. I have even destroyed the power of death and have brought to you my eternal life. When you need wisdom, I will shine upon you the light of my words of truth. This is my promise to you today and every day. (2Tim 1:10)
  • Depression

  • Everyone wants to be loved and accepted, but it cannot be the focus of your life. The only approval you should strive for is mine. Everyone else's approval is fickle and temporary at best, loving and giving to you only when it best suits them. My approval is eternal, so love and serve me only, and let me bring to you the people who will love and accept you as I do. (Gal 1:10)
  • You need never be alone. You are a part of my family, my body, the church, and among the members are those who are called to minister to you - if you will call out to them first. Join your faith with theirs, because I will show myself powerful when there are two or more gathered together in my name. (Mat 18:20)
  • When you are weak and turn to me for strength, I will fill you with my power. When you are afraid and call to me, I will give you the courage to continue. I am with you wherever you go, always a whisper away, to walk with you through everything. (Jos 1:9)
  • Discipline

  • I know sometimes you just want to lose it, but that is why I sent the Holy Spirit to live within you. As long as you surrender to him, the fruit of self-control will flourish, helping you to remain pure and kind, to stay busy with the things of God, and be respectful of those in authority over you. Do not give anyone the opportunity to speak evil of me because of misconduct on your part. In what area of your life do you need more self-control? (Tit 2:5)
  • Our Father knows how frail you are, how your flesh will always want to do whatever it wants, and that you continually face a battle against your own body, as well as self-centered thoughts and attitudes. He doesn't punish you for every sin, nor for your natural bent toward selfishness and rebellion. He loves you just as you are, and knows that, without His supernatural power in your life, you could never live for Him. So keep running back to Him in repentance, asking to be continually filled with His Spirit so you don't walk according to the flesh. (Psa 103:10)
  • LISTEN and OBEY, that is all the Father asks of you. Has the Holy Spirit spoken anything new to you? If not, what was the last thing He spoke to you? What have you done to obey what He instructed? What more can you do? (Exo 24:7)
  • Encouragement

  • You are doing such a good job. I am the One keeping score, you know. Not "them." You are building my Kingdom and I see your faithfulness. (Mat 25:23)
  • I stand here in heaven, waiting to give you the crown of righteousness. You have eagerly longed for my appearing, have continued to believe what I say is true, and have acted upon it. I have credited righteousness to you because of your faith in me. I call you to continue to walk in faith until the day I place the crown upon your head. (2Tim 4:8)
  • Honor those in the church who have dedicated themselves to the welfare of the brothers and sisters, especially those who preach and teach. They are my mouth pieces, transferring the word of God from my mind to that of my people. Determine today one way that you can show your appreciation for their work and dedication. (1Tim 5:17)
  • Faith

  • It is not enough to know about me. You must intimately know me and in faith imitate my love, patience, and faithfulness to the father. Whatever you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do these things, and my peace will remain in you. (Phi 4:9)
  • What makes a woman beautiful is her continued faith in me, expressed in her love for others, and a life marked with holiness. She is radiant in her righteousness, fit to be my bride. Strive for this internal beauty that will last forever. (1Tim 2:15)
  • I pay attention to my brothers and sisters who take care of others in need. Don't look around to see who else is giving to someone experiencing hardship. If I have shown it to you, and have impressed upon your heart to give to them, do not worry about how it will be spent or what will come of it. Simply obey me out of faith in and submission to me. (Phi 4:15)
  • Fear

  • Whenever you talk to people who don't know me, pay close attention to how my spirit leads you. Remember that I have been trying to reach this person, and connect them with our father. I will open the door for you to share about me if they are ready to hear it. (Col 4:5)
  • When a child doesn't like the answer they receive from their parent, they have a habit of asking the same question over and over again. Sometimes you are like that, too; I say "no" or "not yet", but you continue to ask in hopes I will change my mind. I know you don't like it when I don't immediately answer your prayers in the affirmative, and that you sometimes get angry with me for it. But you need to trust that I know what is best. Outside of my timing, your requests will not satisfy you, nor will they fulfill the will of God. (Gal 4:16)
  • I will rescue you from every evil attack against you. I have promised that I will bring you safely into my heavenly Kingdom. That is why all glory, honor and praise is due to my name for ever and ever. (2Tim 4:18)
  • For Men

  • Husbands must remember what first drew them to their wives, what made them love her. I call them to treat her as they did when they courted her, and not as though she is some type of obstacle that is blocking them from getting what then want. They need to come to me for all of their needs, and I will provide them. (Col 3:19)
  • Husbands must love their wives sacrificially, in a way that will cost them something, especially their time. Love shouldn't be given only when it's convenient, with nothing else to do. They must make time for her, and not begrudge it. (Col 3:19)
  • For Women

  • You have stolen my heart, my bride, my church. I have waited throughout eternity for you, and soon we will be together. (Son 4:9)
  • It is important to me that women dress modestly, not suggestively or inappropriately. Women should always dress to please me, not to attract sexual attention to themselves. I will bring them the right person at the right time, so they do not have to draw people with their looks. (1Tim 2:9)
  • You are so beautiful to me. Everything about you is exquisite to me, because I fashioned you just for myself. Every part of you is perfect to me. (Son 4:1)
  • Forgiveness

  • Jonah could not stand the thought of me showing mercy to Israel's enemies, he wanted all of them to perish even though they were warned. I know the hurt your going through because of people in your past, I don't condone their actions, but I don't approve of your Judgements of them either. (Mat 5:44)
  • It doesn't matter how a person starts, it is how they finish. Those who spoke against me or made fun of Christians, and even those who were violent against others, to them I have shown mercy because they acted in ignorance and unbelief. To those who will receive me, I will pour out my divine power without measure so they can live for me. (1Tim 1:13)
  • You have been redeemed, and forgiven of all of your sins, through the blood I shed on the cross. That was a one time payment covering all of your past, present, and future sins. You only need to confess your sins to me and return to me with your whole heart, to be cleansed. (Col 1:14)
  • Giving

  • Hold firmly to the truth you have learned of me through my Holy Spirit. Every day, you are bombarded by falsehoods, misrepresentations, and even communications spawned by sheer evil. If you meditate on these things, your gaze will be focused on the world and your attitude will become increasingly fleshly. Do not lose all of the ground you have gained through your hard labor in Christ by letting the truth slip from your grasp. Hold on! (Phi 2:16)
  • Tell others about me wherever you go. Sing about me, talk about me, share pictures and videos about me. But most of all, live your life so that others can see me through your actions, words, and especially your gratitude for what I have done for you. (Col 3:16)
  • Consistently and purposely continue in prayer to our father in my name. Do it at a time when you can focus and be alert. Make sure your prayers are filled with thanksgiving as well as requests for your needs. (Col 4:2)
  • Grief

  • This world brings many things that bring fear. But even if the worst should happen, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am always with you, and I will always come through for you. I will always take care of you. (Psa 23:4)
  • I have seen those who have tried to hurt you. There is no need for you to concern yourself with them, for I will repay them for what they have done. Release them into my hands, and return to the business of fulfilling your calling. (2Tim 4:14)
  • Remember that your life is not your own; you belong to me. It is important that you remain as a part of my body on earth, because my plans for you also affect my plans for others' lives. Trust me, because I know the plans I have for you, and they are to prosper you and those whom you touch on my behalf. (Phi 1:24)
  • Healing

  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • I can turn any situation into one that glorifies our Father and further transforms you into my image. I can even take sickness and use it for good, displaying my mighty power within you while you are humanly weak. I can open doors for witnessing that were previously shut, and provide opportunities for miracles. I am still with you, remaining Lord over all, and I will not waste one opportunity to bring you closer to me, and simultaneously reconcile the world to our Father. (Gal 4:13)
  • The past has played its part in forming who you are in the natural, but it does not have to define who you are now or will be in the future. It is important to go back for a season to what happened to you so you may face it and be healed from it, but never stay chained to it. Once I reveal and begin healing you from it, leave it behind and stretch yourself to move forward, toward my future and my calling for you. (Phi 3:13)
  • Heaven

  • I am using everything that you are going through to transform you into my likeness. In the perspective of eternity, what you are struggling with will pass in a twinkling of an eye. However, the results of working through your challenges head on (instead of trying to go around them) will last forever. Keep your eyes on the joy set before you - being with me. (2Cor 4:17)
  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • When you struggle with keeping your faith, or loving others, focus on the hope you have because of your future home in heaven. Remember where you are headed, and that this world is not your true home. (Col 1:5)
  • Holiness

  • Faithfulness is important not only in your relationship with me, but also with others, including those you work with. Integrity, always being trustworthy with everyone, represents me well, because I am faithful and true. Your actions must match my teachings if you claim to belong to me. (Tit 2:10)
  • I am the way, the truth, and the life. You are to reflect me at all times. Therefore do not lie, even small white lies, because you will begin to resemble the enemy instead of me. (Col 3:9)
  • Every thing that happens in your life, the good as well as the bad, helps to fashion you into my image. Those who love you, who teach, disciple and even rebuke you, are aching to see my characteristics and gifts evident and active in your life. Surrender to me so that I may work in you, even at times when you are in pain and do not understand, because the end result is that you will be just like me. (Gal 4:19)
  • Hope

  • I stand here in heaven, waiting to give you the crown of righteousness. You have eagerly longed for my appearing, have continued to believe what I say is true, and have acted upon it. I have credited righteousness to you because of your faith in me. I call you to continue to walk in faith until the day I place the crown upon your head. (2Tim 4:8)
  • This world brings many things that bring fear. But even if the worst should happen, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am always with you, and I will always come through for you. I will always take care of you. (Psa 23:4)
  • My promises are only for those who live by their faith in me. If you don't trust in me, in my goodness, faithfulness, loving kindness, mercy and my power, you won't trust in my promises. Not living by faith in what I have said is like refusing to reach out and take a costly gift which I have laid before you. Be like Abraham, and trust that I will keep my promises to you. But that also entails acting upon that assurance that things will happen according to my timing. (Gal 3:16)
  • Humility

  • I want you to know every part of me, my power to overcome this world, my love for the Father and for everyone else. But that also includes knowing me in my death to my own desires, my subjecting myself in obedience to my Father in opposition to my natural will. Like me, you will learn obedience through what you suffer. That is also how you will experience the same power that resurrected me from the dead. (Phi 3:10)
  • There will be times when I speak things to you that I do not want you to share with others. I simply want you to listen and obey. It will be a temptation for you to speak of it to others, in order to get their approval. But if I have spoken to you clearly, and you are sure of your purpose, simply surrender and obey. (Gal 1:17)
  • The entire purpose of your life is to reveal me to others. When they hear you speak, when they see you sacrificially give to others, when they witness my power working through you in impossible situations, and when you surrender joyfully to my will even when it is not what you want, they will see me in you. I am glorified in you when you surrender to my spirit and act like me. (Gal 1:16)
  • Joy

  • Rejoice! This doesn't mean experiencing feelings of happiness. This means choosing to see the good in every situation, and acknowledging that I can turn every situation around for your good and my glory. What do you need to rejoice about today? (Phi 4:4)
  • I want you to understand how dearly I love you, and how much I long to be with you forever in my kingdom. You are my joy and my crown, because I rejoice in seeing how you are being changed into my image, and because your surrender and submission to me proves that I am your king. Continue to surrender and submit your will to mine. You will not be disappointed in what I will do in you. (Phi 4:1)
  • I stand here in heaven, waiting to give you the crown of righteousness. You have eagerly longed for my appearing, have continued to believe what I say is true, and have acted upon it. I have credited righteousness to you because of your faith in me. I call you to continue to walk in faith until the day I place the crown upon your head. (2Tim 4:8)
  • Judgement

  • No one can judge you for the religious traditions you may still practice. I do not judge you, so they have no right or authority to do so. The most important thing is that you surrender to me as Lord daily, listening for and obeying my word. Your faithfulness to me is more important than man-made traditions. (Col 2:16)
  • Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, minding your own business and doing your own work. Be careful not to slip into gossip, talking about others when they are not around. There is more than enough going on in your life to keep your mind busy. Have you been talking about someone else's life or conduct? (1The 4:11)
  • Because you have placed your trust in me, when the Father looks at you, He chooses not to see your mistakes, flaws and failures. Instead, He sees me and my righteousness. Your balance owed from your sins is zeroed out, and you are clean and pure in his sight, legally declared not guilty. If He has left your sins in the past, you need to do so as well. (Gal 3:6)
  • Love

  • It is important to me how you conduct yourself within God's household, the church of the living God. I don't only mean in the building where you meet with others, but within the family of brothers and sisters. The world will know that you are my disciples by the love that you have for one another, so take great care to treat everyone as if they were me. (1Tim 3:15)
  • I saved you with my own blood, buying you out of your slavery to sin, so that you could be adopted by our Father. That is why your heart yearns for Him, and your spirit cries out to Him, "Daddy." Don't you understand that your deepest need is really to be close to Him, to experience His protection as well as His everlasting love? Indulge yourself and give in to your need - spend time in intimate communion with Him now. (Gal 4:5)
  • When you know me, trust me, and love me, keeping our father's commands becomes easy. That is because I and my spirit empower you to obey our Father, so you can live in victory. (1Joh 5:3)
  • Mercy

  • I have always known the worst about you, and yet I still saved you. It has never been about what you have done, but who you give your allegiance to. It is because of my mercy and my love for you that I washed you clean in spiritual rebirth, and made you a new creation through my Holy Spirit. Relax and enjoy a moment in my presence. (Tit 3:5)
  • Jonah could not stand the thought of me showing mercy to Israel's enemies, he wanted all of them to perish even though they were warned. I know the hurt your going through because of people in your past, I don't condone their actions, but I don't approve of your Judgements of them either. (Mat 5:44)
  • Contrary to popular belief, our Father is not an angry God waiting to destroy evil doers. He is compassionate, understanding the flaws and failures of men, and gracious, offering His own power to mankind so His followers can obey Him. Unlike man, He is very slow to become angry because he overflows with love for his creation. He longs for everyone to come to Him for salvation and doesn't want anyone to be separated from Him. Think on His loving-kindness toward you and spend time in praise for his mercy in your life. (Psa 103:8)


  • I never waste anything that happens to you. If you will surrender to me, I will use the things that occur in your life to bring people to myself, and transform you that much more into my image. When you are obedient and faithful to me, despite unfavorable circumstances, the truth of Who I am, what I did and what I can do spreads throughout your world. In what area of your life are you questioning my ability to turn it around for good? (Phi 1:12)
  • Stand firm and hold fast to the teachings I have shared with you, whether through the scriptures in the Bible, or the whispering of the Holy Spirit directly to you. Life in this world can become so confusing, because everyone has an opinion and something to say. But you must always place my word above every other conversation, and compare everything to my truth. (2The 2:15)
  • How others see you is important to the kingdom of God, because honorable lifestyles are so rare that they gain the respect of those who do not know God. Also, being a person of integrity who is not afraid to work hard gains respect from the world. How can you shine like a light against the dark background of this world? (1The 4:12)
  • Patience

  • I am your great reward. I am the home to which you will come when you finally lay aside this body and the trappings of this world. Press on, keep moving forward, despite the resistance you experience, until you can wrap your arms around me and claim for yourself the prize for which you have worked so hard - me. (Phi 3:14)
  • My promises are only for those who live by their faith in me. If you don't trust in me, in my goodness, faithfulness, loving kindness, mercy and my power, you won't trust in my promises. Not living by faith in what I have said is like refusing to reach out and take a costly gift which I have laid before you. Be like Abraham, and trust that I will keep my promises to you. But that also entails acting upon that assurance that things will happen according to my timing. (Gal 3:16)
  • The enemy knows that it doesn't take much for you to be distracted by things that you do not have, especially money. He stands waiting for the opportunity to draw you away from your faith in me because I am not giving you what you want as quickly as you want it. But anything he allows you to have will pierce you with many griefs. Trust in me and be patient while awaiting my timing. (1Tim 6:10)
  • Peace

  • Discord in the body of Christ can undermine what I want to accomplish. If you know that there are members who have problems with each other, and those issues will affect the unity of the body, then leadership needs to address those issues. You are all called to the ministry of reconciliation, which includes bringing people together on account of the Gospel. They don't need to agree on everything, only agree to set aside their differences in order to serve me better. (Phi 4:3)
  • When you doubt my presence in your life, or that I exist, search within yourself and let my spirit comfort you. If my spirit lives in you, then you live in me and my father. (1Joh 4:13)
  • I want people everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands in praise, not in anger or argument. You are all a part of my body, members that must value each other and treat each other with respect. Do whatever is in your power to be at peace with everyone around you. Who are you struggling with today? (1Tim 2:8)
  • Power

  • I long to encourage your heart and strengthen you in every good deed you do and every virtuous word you say. It is my power that runs through you and gives you the ability to respond to me in obedience. How can you use my power to glorify me today? (2The 2:17)
  • I make you complete in every way. Where you are weak, I am strong in you. Where you don't understand, I bring my wisdom. Where you are powerless, I provide you with my power, and give you authority to trample on the enemy. (Col 2:10)
  • I alone possess immortality and live in unapproachable light. No man has ever seen me in all of my glory. I am all-powerful and worthy of all honor and glory. Take time now to praise me for all that I am! (1Tim 6:16)
  • Praise and Worship

  • It is so easy to get distracted by things that don't go your way, but that leads to grumbling and complaining which does NOTHING to glorify our good Father. The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike, but only those who have entrusted themselves to the care of the Father can be sure that every obstacle and hindrance can be used to make you more like me. Choose praise and prayer over grumbling and complaining every time. (Phi 2:14)
  • I have bought you back from the enemy, who held you prisoner due to your sin debt. I redeemed you with my blood so you could be with the Father and I forever, starting the moment you accepted our gift of salvation. Even when you don't live for us as you should, we pour out love and compassion on you without measure, reminding you that you belong to us, and were bought with a great price. Take time today to remember my sacrifice and revel in our love for you. (Psa 103:4)
  • While others are busy complaining about what's wrong at work, I want you to stand out from the crowd with a great attitude. Give thanksgiving and praise for what is good, and do not join the throng in bad mouthing. Speaking negatively does not bring me glory, or lead others to me. (Col 3:23)
  • Prayer

  • I want to be able to send you to your coworkers in my kingdom to strengthen and encourage them in their faith. Speak my words over them, pray for them not only when you are far away from them, but in their presence as well. Remind them of my faithfulness. Who can you pray for right now? (1The 3:2)
  • Pray to me, and ask me for opportunities for you to share the good news about me. Do not be afraid or nervous about what you will say. I will provide the timing and the words. (Col 4:3)
  • It doesn't matter what is in the heart of man - our Father can use what anyone does to further His plan and bring people into our Kingdom. Even those who stir up trouble can be His tool to chisel away at the rough spots in the lives of believers. We will use every opportunity to add to the kingdom of God and perfect those who are saved, and we will use what the enemy meant for evil and use it for good! Who is it that you have doubted that God could use for His glory? (Phi 1:15)
  • Pride

  • Although you carry with you my authority everywhere you go, I do not want you to be puffed up with pride. I don't want you acting like you are better than anyone else, or more mature. Instead become as a young child, accepting others as greater than yourself, and loving them. Is there any attitude for which you need to repent? (1The 2:7)
  • I know you could list off the reasons to be proud of yourself, the things you have done right all on your own. But they are nothing to boast about. Recounting to yourself and others your accomplishments is a sign of your own insecurity in me, your thoughts and fears that you are not enough just as you are, and have to keep on bolstering your self-worth through your achievements. All that matters is what I have achieved in and through you by my Spirit. Stop striving and let me be your source of worth today. (Phi 3:4)
  • Beware of people who believe they know everything about me and the father. People who repeatedly talk about themselves and what they know and have done are looking to glorify themselves. Take no notice of what they say - simply pray that they return to me in meekness and humility. (Col 2:18)
  • Purpose

  • I need you to remain open to do whatever I ask of you. Sometimes I will send you to assist another in their ministry, and at other times will send others to help you with yours. I do not call any man to work alone, but to always be a part of my body, connected to other members. (2Tim 4:11)
  • If you know that I have spoken to you, then obey me. There are times when you may not be sure, and there is wisdom in taking the counsel of other godly brothers and sisters. But sometimes, no one else will understand what I have spoken to you in secret and assigned to you to accomplish. In those times, trust in me completely, despite what others say. (Gal 1:16)
  • I am always standing by your side, available to give you strength whenever you admit your weakness. I want to empower you so you may proclaim my message through your words and your actions. So go forth in my power and my strength, to accomplish my purposes for my kingdom. (2Tim 4:17)
  • Rejection

  • When you remember all I have done for you, where I have brought you out from, and how much I love you, it should result in overflowing gratitude. You should also feel compassion for those who are now where you were before you met me. Be patient, kind, and merciful to them as I have been to you. (Col 3:12)
  • If someone refuses to hear my words when they are spoken by someone else, they are not rejecting the person who shares my word, but rejecting me. So be bold and courageous in your witness, and tell the world about me. Who can you reach out to today? (1The 4:8)
  • Do not think that God is blind to those who persecute and reject his children. But remember that they are still part of his beloved creation, and though he hates their sins, he loves them and wants them to become adopted as children of God. Have you been experiencing feelings of rejection from anyone? (1The 2:15)
  • Repentance

  • Reminders of your failures only come from 2 places - the enemy of your soul and your own heart. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, but never try to make you feel worthless. He expresses my love for you while reminding you what I have said about sin and righteousness. Our Father will not continue to accuse you of something for which you have repented - He is not angry about what has been forgiven. Trust in His never ending love for you, and the permanence of the salvation I have purchased for you with my own blood. (Psa 103:9)
  • The gospel is not a man-made story. I am real, I am true, and am perfectly able to reveal myself to you and others in power. Whether or not they will believe, accept, and live for me is another thing, but do not doubt that I can prove my word to be true to those who are seeking me. Simply continue to live for and direct people to me. I will do the rest. (Gal 1:11)
  • Sometimes you knowingly do what you know you shouldn't do. You wait for the other shoe to drop, but I am not eagerly looking forward to disciplining you. My desire is to be merciful toward you, and your true, sorrowful repentance allows my mercy to flow. For what do you need to confess and repent right now? (2Tim 1:18)
  • Righteousness

  • You have been reconciled to my father through the death I endured in order to pay for your sins. So now, when our Father looks at you, he sees you without blemish, and does not receive a single accusation about you spoken by the enemy. (Col 1:22)
  • Our Father knows how frail you are, how your flesh will always want to do whatever it wants, and that you continually face a battle against your own body, as well as self-centered thoughts and attitudes. He doesn't punish you for every sin, nor for your natural bent toward selfishness and rebellion. He loves you just as you are, and knows that, without His supernatural power in your life, you could never live for Him. So keep running back to Him in repentance, asking to be continually filled with His Spirit so you don't walk according to the flesh. (Psa 103:10)
  • Because I have brought you out of eternal death and into everlasting life, I have given you the ability to live, not according to the flesh, but according to my spirit. Every time you obey my spirit, which I put in you, you put to death the things your body and mind crave apart from me. (Col 2:11)
  • Salvation

  • I gave my life as a ransom for you, not only to buy you back from slavery to sin, but also to save you from wickedness and purify you. You belong to me now, so you must represent me well wherever you go. I need you to be eager to do what is good, open to sharing my love, and prepared to explain my words to others. (Tit 2:14)
  • When we created you, we created you for love, joy, peace, and fellowship with us. You were never intended to be separated from us. Your destiny is not to suffer wrath, but receive the many blessings that come with your salvation. How can I bless you now? (1The 5:9)
  • My purpose for you is to be my servant, leading others to the knowledge of me, so they will trust in me. Their faith will allow me to come and live inside of them by my spirit, so that they can live a godly life. You lead the charge to bring the hope of eternal life to a lost and dying world around you. (Tit 1:1)
  • Security

  • I call you to come to me, listen to me, trust me and in faith, obey me. That is the covenant between you and I. You entrust yourself and everything that is important to you unto my care, and I, in turn, provide for and protect you. I have everything you need for life and godliness, but it is up to you to stay filled with my Spirit and close to me so you can access all of the gifts I so long to give you. What in your life is pulling you away from me? (Psa 103:18)
  • When you finally accept me as your true provider, realizing that I know your needs and love you enough to meet them, you will be able to be content no matter what circumstances arise. You will not be shaken by sudden changes in situations, because you know that I am still Lord over all people and things. If you find your contentment in me alone, you will never be disappointed, because I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 4:11)
  • I know it is easy to be tempted to revenge when someone else has wronged you, especially, if you know you were in the right. One of the greatest ways to apply your faith is to respond with a blessing. Moreover, be an example to others who may be with you in times of trouble so that they can glorify the Father in Heaven. Learn to trust me with all your heart, even in trouble. (Rom 12:19)
  • Servanthood

  • Not everyone shares the same calling. That is why I have widely distributed various spiritual gifts and natural talents, and assigned people to different paths. There are so many people who need to discover who I am, and then be taught about me and trained to be my disciple. Just as a body has multiple essential parts to make it work, so it is in my church. Be faithful to fulfill the calling I have placed on your own life. (Gal 2:9)
  • I created you for a purpose, with my plan in mind. You can ignore and avoid that purpose, but it is STILL your purpose. It is up to you to pursue and dedicate yourself to that purpose - I cannot do that part for you. So press on to take hold of the very thing for which you were made. (Phi 3:12)
  • I knew you while you were yet in your mother's womb. I fashioned and formed you for the purpose for which you were born. I have set you apart from this world and from others that you might fulfill your calling and be dedicated to me. And I will empower you by my Holy Spirit to complete every good work I have assigned to you. Your surrender to me and my will brings me great pleasure. (Gal 1:15)
  • Sin

  • Our father is completely able to complete the work he has begun in you. He wouldn't have called you according to his purpose if he wasn't faithful to equip you for that purpose. Surrender to his will and his training methods, and he will accomplish great and mighty things for the kingdom through you. What can you surrender to him right now? (1The 5:24)
  • It is very tempting to give in to fears of rejection and ridicule, and change the way you act or talk around certain people. You may censor what you share about me in their presence, or possibly change how you act to better fit in with them. But you know better than this - especially around people who so desperately need you to be different than them, to be a light in a dark place, to be Christ-like among people who are worldly. Be strong and courageous, and live for me regardless of who surrounds you. (Gal 2:12)
  • I know that there is no one without sin on earth, but whoever desires to be an overseer of their brothers and sisters must be held to a higher standard. Their conduct is to be above reproach in their family matters as well as in public life. Are you living your life in such a way that, should you be called to do so, you could fill the position of an overseer? (1Tim 3:1)
  • Strength

  • I want to strengthen you so that you will have endurance and patience. My power comes from God's glorious might, which can get you through any situation and help you deal with any person. (Col 1:11)
  • When you are overwhelmed, find rest in me, your Lord and your Savior. I alone am your rock and salvation, and you can rest assured that I am more than capable of handling whatever you may face today. When you cling in faith to me as your rock, you will never be shaken, no matter what happens in your life. (Psa 62:1)
  • I want to strengthen your heart so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our father when I return for you. When you are weak, I will be strong in you, but you must continue to cling to me in faith, and surrender and submit yourself to my lordship. What areas have been the hardest to surrender lately? (1The 3:13)
  • Submission

  • When you came to me in faith, you were no longer held accountable to the tyrannical rules of the law. By my indwelling Spirit you are led, moment by moment, according to my instruction about what to do in every situation. So do not go back to trying to figure out what is right and wrong on your own. Instead, show that you love me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and show that you love those around you as you want me to love you. (Gal 4:12)
  • There have always been people who disputed who I really am, whether or not I lived or died or was resurrected. Everyone has their reasons, but the majority don't like the idea of having to obey someone. If I am God, they must surrender to me as Lord and not just do whatever they please. But not wanting to believe does not change who I am, or their need for me as their Savior, or the consequences of their refusal to take me as Lord. Who can you pray for now to receive me as King over their life? (Gal 3:1)
  • I call you to come to me, listen to me, trust me and in faith, obey me. That is the covenant between you and I. You entrust yourself and everything that is important to you unto my care, and I, in turn, provide for and protect you. I have everything you need for life and godliness, but it is up to you to stay filled with my Spirit and close to me so you can access all of the gifts I so long to give you. What in your life is pulling you away from me? (Psa 103:18)
  • Suffering

  • Give thanks in all circumstances, if for no reason other than it is what our father asks of you. Gratitude is your greatest offensive weapon, keeping the enemy from distracting you with what you don't have. When you give thanks, you tell the father and I that you trust us no matter what. What are you grateful for today? (1The 5:18)
  • You cannot see everything that the Father and I are doing on your behalf in the spiritual realm. You see evil people supposedly getting away with or even rewarded for their actions, but these are only temporary. We will have our victory in the end, and there will be justice for those who have been trampled upon by the unrighteous. Trust us, and be patient as we work out our perfect will in this world. (Psa 103:6)
  • Do not let bad treatment from others discourage you from sharing about me. You must sow, and leave the reaping to me. My word will not go out without accomplishing my purpose. What has discouraged you lately? (1The 2:2)
  • Temptation

  • It is the will of our father that you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not giving in to every desire and feeling. You belong to him, and you are not your own and that means that your body belongs to him to be used as he directs. What areas of yourself have you been keeping from our father? (1The 4:4)
  • Although you need to live your life and take care of your earthly responsibilities, keep in the forefront of your mind that everything here is just temporary, and that your new, permanent life will begin when I return for you. What has been climbing your priority list and taking precedence over me? (1The 1:10)
  • As a parent, it is hard to find a balance between firmness and mercy. Correction and discipline are meant to help someone become a more responsible person. However, over-correction can bring discouragement and despair. Focus on the sin while still loving the sinner, just as our father does. (Col 3:21)
  • Thanksgiving

  • When you pray for others, our father is so pleased with you. It is the same way when you offer up thanksgiving to God. It is like a sweet smelling savor, a fragrant perfume that rises before him and makes him glad. For what can you offer thanksgiving to Him right now? (1Tim 2:3)
  • Always remember that I came to earth in the flesh, was testified about by the Holy Spirit, seen by angels, and have been preached among the Nations. I have been believed on in the world, and I was taken up in glory. I am your God and King, the lion and the lamb, the Lord of Glory. Worship me today. (1Tim 3:16)
  • It is easy to get distracted by this world and its activities. You can forget all that the Father and I have done for you in the midst of your busy-ness. However, you need to remind yourself, over and over and over, of how He has blessed you. If you have a roof over your head and food on your table, you have more than most of the people in the world. Remember how your life is filled with benefits from the hand of your Lord. (Psa 103:2)
  • Unity

  • You think that small disagreements between you and your brothers and sisters don't really mean much, but they create discord and disunity in my body. Unity doesn't always mean sharing the same ideas, but allowing others to have differing opinions. Sometimes you simply need to agree to disagree in order to keep the peace in the body. (Phi 4:2)
  • Discord in the body of Christ can undermine what I want to accomplish. If you know that there are members who have problems with each other, and those issues will affect the unity of the body, then leadership needs to address those issues. You are all called to the ministry of reconciliation, which includes bringing people together on account of the Gospel. They don't need to agree on everything, only agree to set aside their differences in order to serve me better. (Phi 4:3)
  • Victory

  • Everything in heaven and on earth, seen and unseen, was created by my father and I. All of the rulers and people with power and authority have been placed there by my father, to accomplish His will. You can trust that he knows what he is doing in your life. (Col 1:16)
  • Do not allow the tempter to drag you away from your life of holiness and righteousness. If he can discourage you through your sin, and discredit you through ungodly actions, your labors could be in vain. Remember that others are watching you, so protect yourself from temptation. What is the greatest threat you face? (1The 3:5)
  • Hold firmly to the truth you have learned of me through my Holy Spirit. Every day, you are bombarded by falsehoods, misrepresentations, and even communications spawned by sheer evil. If you meditate on these things, your gaze will be focused on the world and your attitude will become increasingly fleshly. Do not lose all of the ground you have gained through your hard labor in Christ by letting the truth slip from your grasp. Hold on! (Phi 2:16)
  • Wisdom

  • You know, you don't always have to prove that you are right. It causes foolish and stupid arguments. Let it be enough that you believe you know the truth, but do not try to force someone else to agree with you. Only those born-again can understand my words. (2Tim 2:23)
  • Don't be fooled by what people around you say, and fine sounding arguments. What I have to share is foolishness to those who think they know everything. But I am the source of all truth, because I am the way, the truth, and the life. (Col 2:4)
  • There are some people that only want to stir up trouble. The enemy has such a hold on them that they cannot control themselves. Warn them twice that you cannot be around that kind of behavior, and if they continue, stay away from them. Otherwise, you will be seen as a participant with them and be in danger of ruining your own (and my) reputation. (Tit 3:10)
  • Witnessing

  • There is no need for you to be afraid of those who oppose my messages. The Holy Spirit will give you the words to say when you need to speak, or to tell you what actions to take. This will be a sign to everyone around you proving that you are mine. (Phi 1:28)
  • I am reminding you again to be obedient to those in authority over you, even if you would do things differently if you were in charge. Always be ready to actively perform good works for them, as well as respond to things with which you disagree with a good attitude and your best abilities. Remember, you are my ambassador and represent me at all times. (Tit 3:1)
  • One good reason to read my Word every day is to make sure that your thoughts and actions are still in line with the truth of the gospel. After you have hung around others, do they think more highly of Me and our Father? Do they want to know us more, do they want to be around people who know us, and do they want to be a part of our body? Do you remind them of Me, or do you remind them of themselves? Make sure you pay closer attention to that today. (Gal 2:14)
  • Worry

  • Whenever it is our will that you do something, the father and I will clear the way for you to accomplish it. You do not ever have to worry about figuring something out. Listen and obey, and watch us move mountains on your behalf. What do you want us to move today? (1The 3:11)
  • Always remember that God is good. Even though the enemy wants you to believe that God doesn't care, or you've done things that warrant Him allowing bad things to happen to you, our Father wants good things for you. He is the good, good Father that wants good things for His child. (Jer 29:11)
  • Don't worry about those who cause you problems. We've got this, and we will deal with them in our own way and time. The father and I will repay with affliction those who afflict you. You just concern yourself with living righteously for me, and leave the rest to us. (2The 1:6)