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  • Openly examine and confess my faults to myself, to God, and to someone I trust. (Steps 4 and 5) (Mat 5:8)
  • Step 11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out. - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. (Col 3:16)
  • Step 2. We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. - For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Phi 2:13)
  • Abandonment

  • When the father and I sent the Holy Spirit to live within you, you received the source of eternal encouragement and good hope. He is the promise of your salvation, like a king's Signet seal on your life, promising that you will be with me forever. His presence in your life is proof of our boundless love for you and desire to always be with you. (2The 2:16)
  • Because you know me, the timing of my return may be unknown, but you expect my coming. To those who do not know me, my return will be frightening. However, for you, it will be the sudden fulfillment of a long desired hope, like a dream come true. Tell me what you've dreamed of doing in heaven... (1The 5:4)
  • When you feel unprotected and vulnerable, remember how I long to gather you to myself and protect you from what you fear. You will always find a safe place when you run to me, for I will always come when you call. I am your fortress, your deliverer, and your shield from the enemy. Come to me and let me give you rest. (Psa 91:4)
  • Anger

  • There will be times when you feel as though everyone has deserted you, and no one came to support you in your time of need. But I command you not to hold this against them. Every person has their own path that they must walk, and although their paths may cross yours for a season, few will remain on the road with you. Let them and the hurt go. (2Tim 4:16)
  • Husbands must remember what first drew them to their wives, what made them love her. I call them to treat her as they did when they courted her, and not as though she is some type of obstacle that is blocking them from getting what then want. They need to come to me for all of their needs, and I will provide them. (Col 3:19)
  • The enemy is continually trying to tear apart the body. One way is by bringing up accusations against the leaders in your church. The accusation may come through another brother or sister, or maybe it arises from your own mind, but do not meditate on it, and do not repeat it. If there is any issue, go directly to the person and speak to them about it. Otherwise, treat it like the poison that it is, and avoid contact with it. (1Tim 5:19)
  • Anxiety

  • Our father is a God of kept promises. He is faithful to fulfill his word to those who believe him. His inheritance for his children is every spiritual blessing he has to give, as well as his provision and his protection. You can't earn an inheritance - it rightfully belongs to the offspring. In the same way, you can't earn all he wants to give to you by obeying the law, it is yours simply because you belong to him. Rest in his promises today. (Gal 3:18)
  • Whenever it is our will that you do something, the father and I will clear the way for you to accomplish it. You do not ever have to worry about figuring something out. Listen and obey, and watch us move mountains on your behalf. What do you want us to move today? (1The 3:11)
  • When a child doesn't like the answer they receive from their parent, they have a habit of asking the same question over and over again. Sometimes you are like that, too; I say "no" or "not yet", but you continue to ask in hopes I will change my mind. I know you don't like it when I don't immediately answer your prayers in the affirmative, and that you sometimes get angry with me for it. But you need to trust that I know what is best. Outside of my timing, your requests will not satisfy you, nor will they fulfill the will of God. (Gal 4:16)
  • Authority

  • Although you carry with you my authority everywhere you go, I do not want you to be puffed up with pride. I don't want you acting like you are better than anyone else, or more mature. Instead become as a young child, accepting others as greater than yourself, and loving them. Is there any attitude for which you need to repent? (1The 2:7)
  • I will rescue you from every evil attack against you. I have promised that I will bring you safely into my heavenly Kingdom. That is why all glory, honor and praise is due to my name for ever and ever. (2Tim 4:18)
  • The world and everything in it is the rightful dominion of our Father. Every created thing belongs to Him and was meant to be an extension of his loving kindness and his power. All the works of his hand should rise up and praise Him for He is worthy of all honor and fame. Praise Him with everything that is within you, regardless of your feelings or thoughts, because you belong to Him, and He loves you with an everlasting love. (Psa 103:22)
  • Correction

  • You think that small disagreements between you and your brothers and sisters don't really mean much, but they create discord and disunity in my body. Unity doesn't always mean sharing the same ideas, but allowing others to have differing opinions. Sometimes you simply need to agree to disagree in order to keep the peace in the body. (Phi 4:2)
  • Not everyone shares the same calling. That is why I have widely distributed various spiritual gifts and natural talents, and assigned people to different paths. There are so many people who need to discover who I am, and then be taught about me and trained to be my disciple. Just as a body has multiple essential parts to make it work, so it is in my church. Be faithful to fulfill the calling I have placed on your own life. (Gal 2:9)
  • Your relationships with others need to mirror the way I have relationships with people. I never thought of others as less than me, but treated them with respect. I let them know they were valuable to me, and served them out of genuine care for their welfare. I didn't wait for them to become worthy of my friendship; instead my love and friendship helped them heal and walk worthy of me. I need you to have my mindset when dealing with all people. (Phi 2:5)
  • Death

  • Although I know you want to be physically in my presence, I have need of you right where you are. I created you for a specific purpose, and until that purpose is completed, you need to stay where I put you. I will lead you and guide you as you remain in me until the day that I bring you home. (Phi 1:23)
  • When I come in the clouds and return for you, I will bring with me those who have fallen asleep in death who believed in me. It will be the greatest reunion of all time. Death has no sting for believers, for they are, at most, temporarily separated from each other. Who do you look forward to seeing? (1The 4:14)
  • I am looking forward to the day that I return for you. All who had slept in death will be caught up with me first, and then you will be caught up with me and meet me in the air. We will be together forever! Tell me how that makes you feel. (1The 4:17)
  • Depression

  • It doesn't matter how dark the night seems, or how deep the valley goes. You don't need to fear because I am always with you. If you wander away too far, I will reach out and bring you back to me. Be comforted in the fact that I am your shepherd that leads you, your protector and provider, and nothing and no one can withstand my power. (Psa 23:4)
  • Whoever comes to me, I will keep with me forever. I will not cast them away from me. So you are safe with me if you have entrusted yourself to my care. Rest in my faithfulness. (Joh 6:37)
  • Don't be unsettled by the trials you are facing. I have told you that those who believe in and belong to me are destined for struggles. But remember that I have overcome the world, so you can overcome it as well through Me. What struggle is the most pressing right now? (1The 3:3)
  • Discipline

  • It is so easy to get distracted by things that don't go your way, but that leads to grumbling and complaining which does NOTHING to glorify our good Father. The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike, but only those who have entrusted themselves to the care of the Father can be sure that every obstacle and hindrance can be used to make you more like me. Choose praise and prayer over grumbling and complaining every time. (Phi 2:14)
  • I know it is easy to be tempted to revenge when someone else has wronged you, especially, if you know you were in the right. One of the greatest ways to apply your faith is to respond with a blessing. Moreover, be an example to others who may be with you in times of trouble so that they can glorify the Father in Heaven. Learn to trust me with all your heart, even in trouble. (Rom 12:19)
  • There will be times when I speak things to you that I do not want you to share with others. I simply want you to listen and obey. It will be a temptation for you to speak of it to others, in order to get their approval. But if I have spoken to you clearly, and you are sure of your purpose, simply surrender and obey. (Gal 1:17)
  • Encouragement

  • You can do this! Don't give up! What you attempt, by faith, I will bless. I will give you my strength when you acknowledge your weakness, and I will give you the same contentment that I had in this world. (Phi 4:13)
  • It is the Father who will complete the work in you, heal you, fix you, transform you. It adds to your anxiety when you mistakenly start thinking that it is up to you to figure out a way to fix yourself. But it is our Father's responsibility to do these things, because only He has the power to do it. (Phi 1:6)
  • I will rescue you from every evil attack against you. I have promised that I will bring you safely into my heavenly Kingdom. That is why all glory, honor and praise is due to my name for ever and ever. (2Tim 4:18)
  • Faith

  • Our Father's most cherished desire has always been to have a close relationship with his children. He wanted the nation of Israel to come up the mountain and personally get to know him, to be their father. Instead, they just wanted a list of do's and don'ts so they could live their lives apart from him. But that original promise to love and take care of his children still stands for you today. Don't settle for trying to obey his laws; spend time in an intimate relationship with him instead. (Gal 3:17)
  • Many people talk a good talk, but you will know them by how they walk, and the effect they have on the lives around them. After they have passed through a group of people, is everyone uplifted? Are they encouraged? Are they closer to me than the moment before this person arrived? What effects do you have on those around you? (1Tim 1:6)
  • When you finally accept me as your true provider, realizing that I know your needs and love you enough to meet them, you will be able to be content no matter what circumstances arise. You will not be shaken by sudden changes in situations, because you know that I am still Lord over all people and things. If you find your contentment in me alone, you will never be disappointed, because I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 4:11)
  • Fear

  • You need never be alone. You are a part of my family, my body, the church, and among the members are those who are called to minister to you - if you will call out to them first. Join your faith with theirs, because I will show myself powerful when there are two or more gathered together in my name. (Mat 18:20)
  • It doesn't matter what it looks like around you. You have overcome the enemy. You belong to me and have victory over all of his schemes. (1Joh 2:14)
  • When you finally accept me as your true provider, realizing that I know your needs and love you enough to meet them, you will be able to be content no matter what circumstances arise. You will not be shaken by sudden changes in situations, because you know that I am still Lord over all people and things. If you find your contentment in me alone, you will never be disappointed, because I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 4:11)
  • For Men

  • Husbands must remember what first drew them to their wives, what made them love her. I call them to treat her as they did when they courted her, and not as though she is some type of obstacle that is blocking them from getting what then want. They need to come to me for all of their needs, and I will provide them. (Col 3:19)
  • Husbands must love their wives sacrificially, in a way that will cost them something, especially their time. Love shouldn't be given only when it's convenient, with nothing else to do. They must make time for her, and not begrudge it. (Col 3:19)
  • For Women

  • I can't wait until I can hold you in my arms and embrace you. You are my beloved one, my sister and my love. (Son 2:6)
  • Wives should be submissive to their husbands. This does not mean being a doormat, or allowing ungodly things to go on in the home. It means trusting me with all of their concerns instead of trusting in their husband, and resting on the fact that I will handle them as I see fit. (Col 3:18)
  • I love you more than you will ever know on earth. But one day, you will come home to me, and you will experience the fullness of my love for you throughout eternity. (Joh 14:2)
  • Forgiveness

  • Never despair regarding your loved ones who have not yet accepted me. There is still time, and I am patient. And when the time comes that they turn to me, I will save them to the uttermost because whoever calls upon my name shall be saved. (Rom 10:13)
  • What I say is true, regardless of how you feel. So even when your heart condemns you, my word is greater than your heart. If I have forgiven you, you are forgiven. (1Joh 3:20)
  • Our Father knows how frail you are, how your flesh will always want to do whatever it wants, and that you continually face a battle against your own body, as well as self-centered thoughts and attitudes. He doesn't punish you for every sin, nor for your natural bent toward selfishness and rebellion. He loves you just as you are, and knows that, without His supernatural power in your life, you could never live for Him. So keep running back to Him in repentance, asking to be continually filled with His Spirit so you don't walk according to the flesh. (Psa 103:10)
  • Giving

  • I keep an account of how you utilize the goods and finances I have entrusted to your care. When you use it wisely and according to my will, I will increase my favor in your life. Your stewardship of all that I entrust to you shows that you acknowledge Me as the source of everything you have gained. In the measure that you give to others as I direct, you will receive from me. (Phi 4:17)
  • Remember that you normally have an audience for everything you say and do. So do the things that you think I would do. That includes praising our Father for all he has done and given to us. (Col 3:17)
  • When you face trials and suffering, you have one weapon that no one can take away. It is the fact that you personally know who I am. You have experienced that I am trustworthy and keep my promises, and that I am faithful to take care of you and everything that is important to you. Remind yourself constantly of the ways that I have proved myself to you. (2Tim 1:12)
  • Grief

  • I am near to you when you are broken-hearted. I feel your pain and weep with you. I know how low you feel, and will not leave you without comfort. The Spirit will wrap Himself around you and remind you how much you are loved by me. (Psa 34:18)
  • Many will abandon you as you walk along my narrow road. Do not be surprised, because some people I place in your life only for a season, only for certain lessons. Do not place your hope in anyone other than me, for I will always come to you quickly and provide everything that you need. (2Tim 4:10)
  • When you are tossed back and forth by your emotions, letting them determine what you will do, you cannot expect to learn and act on the truth. Your feelings change from moment to moment, so you can only trust my word. Listen to my spirit, trust him and obey, despite whatever your emotions say. (2Tim 3:7)
  • Healing

  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • The past has played its part in forming who you are in the natural, but it does not have to define who you are now or will be in the future. It is important to go back for a season to what happened to you so you may face it and be healed from it, but never stay chained to it. Once I reveal and begin healing you from it, leave it behind and stretch yourself to move forward, toward my future and my calling for you. (Phi 3:13)
  • I can turn any situation into one that glorifies our Father and further transforms you into my image. I can even take sickness and use it for good, displaying my mighty power within you while you are humanly weak. I can open doors for witnessing that were previously shut, and provide opportunities for miracles. I am still with you, remaining Lord over all, and I will not waste one opportunity to bring you closer to me, and simultaneously reconcile the world to our Father. (Gal 4:13)
  • Heaven

  • Everything in heaven and on earth, seen and unseen, was created by my father and I. All of the rulers and people with power and authority have been placed there by my father, to accomplish His will. You can trust that he knows what he is doing in your life. (Col 1:16)
  • I will reward you according to your faithfulness to me. If you pour yourself out on my behalf, selflessly giving to others as I direct, then I will fill you back up with myself. You will share in the results of all of your hard work for the kingdom, but you will have to wait until heaven to see the full impact you have had. Do not grow weary of doing good things! (2Tim 2:6)
  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • Holiness

  • Your God and your destiny are intertwined. If you acknowledge that I am your God, by humbling yourself before me, trusting and obeying me out of love for me, your destination is heaven. If, however, you are your own god, and you live to fulfill your own desires, trusting only in yourself as your supreme authority, then your destination is hell. Don't let your mind settle on earthly things, but always set your eyes on me, the author and perfecter of your faith. (Phi 3:19)
  • I have called you to be pure and holy, in such a way that everyone can see how different you are from the rest of the ungodly world. Purity and holiness are not only internal qualities, but are expressed in your actions and your words. In what areas are you struggling with purity? (1The 4:7)
  • Those who are in leadership positions in the church must not continue in habitual sin. Those who discover this sin must confront the person directly, and give them an opportunity to repent and return to me. However, until they repent, they must not continue to minister to my people, for they are an example to the church. (1Tim 5:20)
  • Hope

  • Wives must not rage and battle against their husbands. If they want something, they must come to me in prayer, and asked me for it. I can change even Pharaoh's hard heart; so I can change their husband's heart as well. (Col 3:18)
  • Remember always that you are a Child of the Light, and since you belong to the day, keep your eyes open and your wits about you. Protect your heart by continually entrusting it to me, and loving our father and others as I have loved you. Always keep the hope of your salvation in the forefront of your mind, to protect your thoughts. In what area is your faith wavering or your thoughts wandering? (1The 5:8)
  • I knew you while you were yet in your mother's womb. I fashioned and formed you for the purpose for which you were born. I have set you apart from this world and from others that you might fulfill your calling and be dedicated to me. And I will empower you by my Holy Spirit to complete every good work I have assigned to you. Your surrender to me and my will brings me great pleasure. (Gal 1:15)
  • Humility

  • The entire purpose of your life is to reveal me to others. When they hear you speak, when they see you sacrificially give to others, when they witness my power working through you in impossible situations, and when you surrender joyfully to my will even when it is not what you want, they will see me in you. I am glorified in you when you surrender to my spirit and act like me. (Gal 1:16)
  • It is easy to get distracted by this world and its activities. You can forget all that the Father and I have done for you in the midst of your busy-ness. However, you need to remind yourself, over and over and over, of how He has blessed you. If you have a roof over your head and food on your table, you have more than most of the people in the world. Remember how your life is filled with benefits from the hand of your Lord. (Psa 103:2)
  • There will be times when I will send someone to correct you, because you have wandered away from the truth. It has happened to all of my followers at one time or another, so receive the reproof with humility and submission. I have sent them to you so that you will stop and take a good long look at your life, your words, your thoughts, your actions, and even your belongings, to make sure you are still in the center of my will. (Gal 2:11)
  • Joy

  • The greatest gift you can have on this earth is contentment with what you have. If you are living in a way that pleases me, and you have the necessities of life, that is enough for you. Be grateful for every single thing that I have provided for you, and do not focus on what you do not have, because that will lead you into bitterness, anger, and envy. Has your focus been drifting lately? (1Tim 6:6)
  • The more you understand about me and my kingdom, the more hope you will have where others may experience despair. Death for non-believers leads to inconsolable grief. Death for believers is a momentary separation that will end in reunion in the future. Who can you share that hope with today? (1The 4:13)
  • I am calling you to rejoice in me always. Do not allow the changing and sometimes upsetting circumstances around you to rob you of your joy. When you are upset, you can be quick tempered, and negative. But I need you to keep your faith in me, and to act in love, patience and gentleness despite what is going on around you. What situation is tempting you to not act in love? (Phi 4:5)
  • Judgement

  • Those in authority must deal with the members of my body as a father deals with his own children. Judgement must be tempered with love and mercy, with the goal of raising up this child of God to be like me. They are not the judge, they are the shepherd and overseer of their souls. Is there anyone to whom you may have been harsh? (1The 2:10)
  • Our Father knows what His children are made of, both literally and figuratively. He formed you from the dust of the ground, as is proven by comparing the elements found in the earth's crust and your physical body. But more crucially, He understands your failings and flaws because I became a man and experienced every temptation and emotion you experience. I am the high priest that truly empathizes with your struggles, so come and share with me your heart's cries, knowing I truly understand. (Psa 103:14)
  • Oh, how much joy you will experience in the presence of our father because of those you have turned toward him. Those at one time destined for eternal separation from God will dance before you in his presence, and you will see the difference that your faithfulness and love has made in the lives of others. Imagine it now. (1The 3:9)
  • Love

  • I have said that it is fitting for children to obey their parents, but you also, as a child of God, need to obey your father. When your children have trouble obeying you, remember how hard it is for you at times to obey your father. Be firm, fair and merciful to them just as your father is toward you. (Col 3:20)
  • Our Father is deserving of all of the glory. That means that he deserves to be seen as the greatest, kindest, most loving and merciful, and most powerful and important being that has ever existed. That is why it is so important for you to imitate my way of life, especially how I made sure that everything I did and said was a true representation of what our father would say and do on Earth. How can you glorify God today? (Phi 4:20)
  • Even though I see your heart, your mind, and your works, I am even more encouraged when your brothers and sisters bring me good news about your faith and love. Faith and love that is not expressed externally is not true faith and love. Everyone around you should know that you are a Christian by your attitude and your actions. Whose faith has encouraged you? (1The 3:6)
  • Mercy

  • Contrary to popular belief, our Father is not an angry God waiting to destroy evil doers. He is compassionate, understanding the flaws and failures of men, and gracious, offering His own power to mankind so His followers can obey Him. Unlike man, He is very slow to become angry because he overflows with love for his creation. He longs for everyone to come to Him for salvation and doesn't want anyone to be separated from Him. Think on His loving-kindness toward you and spend time in praise for his mercy in your life. (Psa 103:8)
  • I have bought you back from the enemy, who held you prisoner due to your sin debt. I redeemed you with my blood so you could be with the Father and I forever, starting the moment you accepted our gift of salvation. Even when you don't live for us as you should, we pour out love and compassion on you without measure, reminding you that you belong to us, and were bought with a great price. Take time today to remember my sacrifice and revel in our love for you. (Psa 103:4)
  • It is not enough to have kindly thoughts towards someone in need, to feel compassion for their situation and not to express it in a practical way. If you have the opportunity to do something about it, then do it. Remember that you are a part of a larger body, and you must take care of one another. Put yourself in their place and act as you would want someone else to act on your behalf. (Phi 4:10)


  • I need you to live for me, even when other Christians aren't around. I am always with you and see everything you say and do, but you don't remember it because you don't see me standing there in a physical body. It is so easy to blend in with those around you at work, or with friends who aren't acting godly, but I need you to be excited about revealing who I am to everyone around you. They need to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you belong to me. (Gal 4:18)
  • I am the way, the truth, and the life. You are to reflect me at all times. Therefore do not lie, even small white lies, because you will begin to resemble the enemy instead of me. (Col 3:9)
  • Getting what you want for yourself, and making yourself feel like you are better than others, cannot be the guiding force for your life. I know it goes against your flesh, but your goal must be giving of yourself for the benefit of others (love) because that is what I have commanded. But you can't love others if you don't value them above yourself, so adjust your mindset to give more value to others' needs and wants than your own, and then practically love them. (Phi 2:3)
  • Patience

  • When you remember all I have done for you, where I have brought you out from, and how much I love you, it should result in overflowing gratitude. You should also feel compassion for those who are now where you were before you met me. Be patient, kind, and merciful to them as I have been to you. (Col 3:12)
  • I am calling you to rejoice in me always. Do not allow the changing and sometimes upsetting circumstances around you to rob you of your joy. When you are upset, you can be quick tempered, and negative. But I need you to keep your faith in me, and to act in love, patience and gentleness despite what is going on around you. What situation is tempting you to not act in love? (Phi 4:5)
  • I will rescue you from every evil attack against you. I have promised that I will bring you safely into my heavenly Kingdom. That is why all glory, honor and praise is due to my name for ever and ever. (2Tim 4:18)
  • Peace

  • I know it is easy to be tempted to revenge when someone else has wronged you, especially, if you know you were in the right. One of the greatest ways to apply your faith is to respond with a blessing. Moreover, be an example to others who may be with you in times of trouble so that they can glorify the Father in Heaven. Learn to trust me with all your heart, even in trouble. (Rom 12:19)
  • Worrying doesn't accomplish anything. If you are going to set your mind on something, or use your mouth to say something, let it be in doing something that can change the situation. Remind yourself of everything that I have given to you for which you can be thankful, and in that attitude of gratefulness, come to me and ask me for whatever you need. This is the only way to gain peace in the midst of anxiety. (Phi 4:6)
  • Your flesh will always want whatever it wants, like a toddler. It will never change. There will always be a struggle for it to be satisfied. So you must find ways to be satisfied in Me, at peace because you are filled with Me. Worship me, give thanks to me, soak in my presence - do whatever it takes in the spirit to be filled with me so you do not give in to the cravings of the flesh. (Psa 63:5)
  • Power

  • You cannot love people in your own strength. My agape love is a spiritual love, and flesh is incapable of it. Your love will dwindle, and eventually you will lose patience and become cold toward others. So call upon my Spirit to continually re-fill you with the same love I have for the Father and for you. Then pour yourself out upon others without measure, and I will fill you over and over again. (Gal 4:15)
  • I am always standing by your side, available to give you strength whenever you admit your weakness. I want to empower you so you may proclaim my message through your words and your actions. So go forth in my power and my strength, to accomplish my purposes for my kingdom. (2Tim 4:17)
  • Our Father knows how frail you are, how your flesh will always want to do whatever it wants, and that you continually face a battle against your own body, as well as self-centered thoughts and attitudes. He doesn't punish you for every sin, nor for your natural bent toward selfishness and rebellion. He loves you just as you are, and knows that, without His supernatural power in your life, you could never live for Him. So keep running back to Him in repentance, asking to be continually filled with His Spirit so you don't walk according to the flesh. (Psa 103:10)
  • Praise and Worship

  • It is impossible to remain in my peace when you are constantly thinking about everything that is wrong. That is why I command you to think on everything that is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and excellent. These things remind you of my past goodness toward you, so you can trust in my future continued faithfulness towards you. To gain and keep your peace, praise me and pray to me in faith continually. (Phi 4:8)
  • Always remember that I came to earth in the flesh, was testified about by the Holy Spirit, seen by angels, and have been preached among the Nations. I have been believed on in the world, and I was taken up in glory. I am your God and King, the lion and the lamb, the Lord of Glory. Worship me today. (1Tim 3:16)
  • My peace has nothing to do with your thought life. You cannot manufacture my peace through reasoning. It is a fruit of my spirit and grows naturally as you surrender to my will. The most powerful part of my peace is how it guards your mind from attacks from the enemy, like a battalion of guardian angels that surround and protect you. My peace is released in you when you praise me and pray in faith to me. (Phi 4:7)
  • Prayer

  • I know that there are many people you would like to see come to know me, but they seem so blind and closed off. Many live under a powerful delusion because they have believed the lies of the enemy. Pray for them that their eyes may be opened, and that they would accept me when I reveal myself to them. Who can you pray for right now? (2The 2:11)
  • Consider your prayers as a weapon of warfare, battling for the maturity and well-being of your brothers and sisters. Pray that they know and understand my will. Cover them in prayer continually. (Col 4:12)
  • Pray all the time. I don't necessarily mean stopping, kneeling and closing your eyes. I mean talk to me all throughout the day. I'm always with you, just waiting for you to communicate with me, and wanting to communicate with you as well. (1The 5:17)
  • Pride

  • I know you could list off the reasons to be proud of yourself, the things you have done right all on your own. But they are nothing to boast about. Recounting to yourself and others your accomplishments is a sign of your own insecurity in me, your thoughts and fears that you are not enough just as you are, and have to keep on bolstering your self-worth through your achievements. All that matters is what I have achieved in and through you by my Spirit. Stop striving and let me be your source of worth today. (Phi 3:4)
  • Jonah could not stand the thought of me showing mercy to Israel's enemies, he wanted all of them to perish even though they were warned. I know the hurt your going through because of people in your past, I don't condone their actions, but I don't approve of your Judgements of them either. (Mat 5:44)
  • There are those who oppose and ridicule the truth of my word. Their minds are depraved, and they reject knowledge of me. But it is not long before they expose themselves for the foolish people they are. Let me deal with them, and do not try to change their mind. Stay far away from them. (2Tim 3:9)
  • Purpose

  • Once you were a slave to sin, but no longer. I redeemed you out of slavery, I bought you back so you could enjoy fellowship with your Father and me. Because you are now His child, you can ask what you want according to His will and be sure that He hears you. Even better, everything that is ours is now yours, waiting to be received and used as your inheritance. Do not try to go it alone in your own strength - ask the Father for the gifts of your inheritance to help you. (Gal 4:7)
  • I want you to be sure of your call, and convinced of being chosen by our father. The assurance of belonging to us and being completely loved by us should show in your walk and your talk. (1The 1:4)
  • I am always standing by your side, available to give you strength whenever you admit your weakness. I want to empower you so you may proclaim my message through your words and your actions. So go forth in my power and my strength, to accomplish my purposes for my kingdom. (2Tim 4:17)
  • Rejection

  • You are so beautiful to me. Everything about you is exquisite to me, because I fashioned you just for myself. Every part of you is perfect to me. (Son 4:1)
  • Always remember how much you have been forgiven, and that others deserve the same kind of forgiveness. You were no better than anyone else, but I forgave you. Accept others as I accepted you, knowing that they are as imperfect as you are in this world. (Col 3:13)
  • Don't worry about those who cause you problems. We've got this, and we will deal with them in our own way and time. The father and I will repay with affliction those who afflict you. You just concern yourself with living righteously for me, and leave the rest to us. (2The 1:6)
  • Repentance

  • Sometimes you knowingly do what you know you shouldn't do. You wait for the other shoe to drop, but I am not eagerly looking forward to disciplining you. My desire is to be merciful toward you, and your true, sorrowful repentance allows my mercy to flow. For what do you need to confess and repent right now? (2Tim 1:18)
  • Nothing you can do with your body can get you into heaven. Salvation from the penalty, power and presence of sin in your life comes only from repenting of your sins, acknowledging that I am the Son of God who paid for your sins with my sacrificial death, as well as surrendering your life and submitting your decisions to me as your Lord. Once you belong to me, "works" will automatically flow out of you by the power of my Spirit. (Gal 2:16)
  • Reminders of your failures only come from 2 places - the enemy of your soul and your own heart. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, but never try to make you feel worthless. He expresses my love for you while reminding you what I have said about sin and righteousness. Our Father will not continue to accuse you of something for which you have repented - He is not angry about what has been forgiven. Trust in His never ending love for you, and the permanence of the salvation I have purchased for you with my own blood. (Psa 103:9)
  • Righteousness

  • Since I have rescued you from the darkness and death of this world so you can live with me forever in heaven, set your desires on things that please me. See me seated at the right hand of our father, loving, empowering and watching over you. Let everything you think, feel and do be a reflection of your love for me. (Col 3:1)
  • It is imperative as a witness to me that you be holy, righteous and blameless. No one can be perfect in this world, but you must commit yourself to living up to the high standard of the high calling to which I have called you. Don't settle for just getting by; don't be satisfied until you are like me. In what area do you want me to help you first? (1The 2:10)
  • All are welcome in to the church, but I have set higher standards for those who oversee the members of my body. I want everyone to be able to serve in some capacity, as no one is without sin, but those who lead must keep themselves pure in their family relationships and in their interaction with the outside world. (1Tim 3:12)
  • Salvation

  • I am using everything that you are going through to transform you into my likeness. In the perspective of eternity, what you are struggling with will pass in a twinkling of an eye. However, the results of working through your challenges head on (instead of trying to go around them) will last forever. Keep your eyes on the joy set before you - being with me. (2Cor 4:17)
  • When I come back for you, you will no longer be hampered by your flaws and failures, because you will be transformed into my likeness. You will share in my glory, my characteristics and traits. Eagerly look forward to that day, but live through me now. (Col 3:4)
  • You know I died for you, to pay for all of your sins. But you must always remember that my ransom was not for you only, but for all people. When you look at others, I want you to see them through my eyes, because I love them and want them to be with me in heaven as well. (1Tim 2:6)
  • Security

  • Stand firm in me. Everything else around you can be a whirlwind of change. However, I remain the same, I am your rock, steady and secure. I am the only thing you can be sure of. So rest in my promises, and remain firm in your commitment and surrender to me. (Phi 4:1)
  • Our father is a God of kept promises. He is faithful to fulfill his word to those who believe him. His inheritance for his children is every spiritual blessing he has to give, as well as his provision and his protection. You can't earn an inheritance - it rightfully belongs to the offspring. In the same way, you can't earn all he wants to give to you by obeying the law, it is yours simply because you belong to him. Rest in his promises today. (Gal 3:18)
  • When you came to me in faith, you were no longer held accountable to the tyrannical rules of the law. By my indwelling Spirit you are led, moment by moment, according to my instruction about what to do in every situation. So do not go back to trying to figure out what is right and wrong on your own. Instead, show that you love me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and show that you love those around you as you want me to love you. (Gal 4:12)
  • Servanthood

  • I keep an account of how you utilize the goods and finances I have entrusted to your care. When you use it wisely and according to my will, I will increase my favor in your life. Your stewardship of all that I entrust to you shows that you acknowledge Me as the source of everything you have gained. In the measure that you give to others as I direct, you will receive from me. (Phi 4:17)
  • If you know that I have spoken to you, then obey me. There are times when you may not be sure, and there is wisdom in taking the counsel of other godly brothers and sisters. But sometimes, no one else will understand what I have spoken to you in secret and assigned to you to accomplish. In those times, trust in me completely, despite what others say. (Gal 1:16)
  • Pour yourself out - not only for me, but for others. Spend yourself spiritually in prayer, carrying the burden for those who don't know how to pray, or have lost hope. Spend yourself physically in practical service to others, meeting their needs. Freely you have received from me as I poured my life out for you, so freely give of yourself in the same way. (Phi 2:17)
  • Sin

  • While others are busy complaining about what's wrong at work, I want you to stand out from the crowd with a great attitude. Give thanksgiving and praise for what is good, and do not join the throng in bad mouthing. Speaking negatively does not bring me glory, or lead others to me. (Col 3:23)
  • Whenever I require you to speak, I will reveal what I want you to say. I want you to be open, if not eager, to share about what I have done in your life. I don't ask you to speak to everyone, just those to whom I direct you. (Col 4:4)
  • Those who serve me by watching over my flock have a higher responsibility to live a blameless life. Their lives should be an open book that others can read and learn from. No one is perfect, but my leaders must always strive for the highest standard. (Tit 1:6)
  • Strength

  • In me, you can be strong and have courage when facing overwhelming circumstances. I will empower you to live and speak for me at all times. You have no reason to be ashamed as long as I am exalted as Lord of your life. (Phi 1:20)
  • All of the universe praises me, from the angels in heaven to the rocks that will cry out to fill the silence of those who will not sing my praises. The angels are mighty only because they obey me and receive their power from me. Yet, although they are beautiful creations, you are higher and greater than angels. You are not only my creation - you have been adopted as my own child, filled with my Holy Spirit, and will rule and reign with me forever. Praise me with all of your heart! (Psa 103:20)
  • Remember to call upon Me when you are facing temptation and troubling fleshly cravings. Call on me, acknowledge your weakness, and I WILL rescue you with my strength. Honor Me and bring Me glory by listening to my still small voice and obeying it. (Psa 50:15)
  • Submission

  • The curse of trying to live by the law is that you can never be successful. No human can perfectly live out every single law, so they are cursed to experience repeated failure if they try. But I have redeemed you from the curse of failure, from the futility of trying to be perfect before God through your own feeble abilities. I have freed you from religious legality and filled you with my Spirit, who is the only one who can empower you to live righteously through faith. Stop trying to be perfect and simply focus on continual communion with me. (Gal 3:13)
  • When you came to me in faith, you were no longer held accountable to the tyrannical rules of the law. By my indwelling Spirit you are led, moment by moment, according to my instruction about what to do in every situation. So do not go back to trying to figure out what is right and wrong on your own. Instead, show that you love me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and show that you love those around you as you want me to love you. (Gal 4:12)
  • Praise our Father in Heaven, as do all the heavenly host. The elders, the angels, and all creation give Him the honor due Him as the Creator. However, the greatest act of praise is submission to His will, surrender of yourself by laying yourself upon the altar of God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Serve Him out of true love, and the praise of your mouth will match the praise of your life lived for Him. (Psa 103:21)
  • Suffering

  • When you remain faithful to me, even in the worst of circumstances, you open up opportunities for even the most hard-hearted people around you to be broken and turn to me. Honor me with your attitude and your words, even when things go wrong, and I will move in the life of those around you. You may never see the results, but reaping the harvest is my responsibility - yours is to sow seeds through your obedience. (Phi 1:13)
  • Always remember that God is good. Even though the enemy wants you to believe that God doesn't care, or you've done things that warrant Him allowing bad things to happen to you, our Father wants good things for you. He is the good, good Father that wants good things for His child. (Jer 29:11)
  • YES, my Beloved, that WAS hard and NOT what you wanted. But I know what you NEED. TRUST Me. (Jer 29:11)
  • Temptation

  • It only takes a small amount of evil to start tainting everything good in your life. One white lie, twisting or omitting the truth, is a tactic of the enemy. Once you give in to him, it is hard to disentangle yourself. Reject every kind of evil - run from it. What in your life should you be turning away from? (1The 5:22)
  • Although I am merciful, wrongdoers will always have to pay for their actions. There is an effect to everything that you do. If the ripple from your actions harms someone else, you will be held accountable for it. (Col 3:25)
  • Be assured of this, that if you have decided to die to your own desires and rights in order to follow me, you will be filled with my eternal life. If you endure struggles for my name's sake, you will reign with me. If you struggle with your faith, I will still remain faithful to you, because you are a permanent part of me. The one thing you cannot do is not take me as Lord, because then you will have no part with Me. (2Tim 2:11)
  • Thanksgiving

  • I want you to be so filled with me that everyone around you marvels - not at you - but at me. They will boast about what I have done in your life and the marvelous transformation that I brought about in you. Everywhere you go, let your love so shine that everyone around you gives thanks for your father in heaven. (Phi 1:26)
  • It is easy to get distracted by this world and its activities. You can forget all that the Father and I have done for you in the midst of your busy-ness. However, you need to remind yourself, over and over and over, of how He has blessed you. If you have a roof over your head and food on your table, you have more than most of the people in the world. Remember how your life is filled with benefits from the hand of your Lord. (Psa 103:2)
  • Remember that you normally have an audience for everything you say and do. So do the things that you think I would do. That includes praising our Father for all he has done and given to us. (Col 3:17)
  • Unity

  • You think that small disagreements between you and your brothers and sisters don't really mean much, but they create discord and disunity in my body. Unity doesn't always mean sharing the same ideas, but allowing others to have differing opinions. Sometimes you simply need to agree to disagree in order to keep the peace in the body. (Phi 4:2)
  • Discord in the body of Christ can undermine what I want to accomplish. If you know that there are members who have problems with each other, and those issues will affect the unity of the body, then leadership needs to address those issues. You are all called to the ministry of reconciliation, which includes bringing people together on account of the Gospel. They don't need to agree on everything, only agree to set aside their differences in order to serve me better. (Phi 4:3)
  • Victory

  • Remember those imprisoned for my sake. Pray for them that they will depend upon my supernatural power to sustain them, and not their own strength. Consider yourself their appointed guardian in prayer. (Col 4:18)
  • Everything in heaven and on earth, seen and unseen, was created by my father and I. All of the rulers and people with power and authority have been placed there by my father, to accomplish His will. You can trust that he knows what he is doing in your life. (Col 1:16)
  • I have given you everything you need to live a godly life. You received that power solely by repenting and placing your faith in me. At that time, your spirit became alive, and my Holy Spirit came to live inside of you. So you don't have to complete a daily checklist, or follow a set of external rules, to earn my favor or get what you need from me. Just listen to my Spirit and obey what He says, and everything I have will be made available to you. (Gal 3:3)
  • Wisdom

  • It is important to me that you be well grounded in the knowledge of me, starting with your salvation and what I did for you. But you need to build upon that knowledge by acting in faith upon what you know, and always expressing your gratitude for what I have done for you. (Col 2:7)
  • It is my desire that each member of my flock is watched over by another member. That is why I assigned an order to my body, to my church. Those who are more mature in the Lord should watch over the younger ones, and train them up to be disciplined and faithful to me. Listen and wait for me to tell you how you can help someone else grow in me. (Tit 1:5)
  • I am commanding you to commit yourself to reading my word and sharing it with those whom I send you. Make this promise to me now. Don't put it off for one more minute. I will empower you to keep that promise. (1Tim 4:13)
  • Witnessing

  • Keep reminding yourself not to get involved with stupid quarrels. Useless arguments do not bring anyone to salvation. It negatively affects those who overhear you, and those who participate in the conversation. Choose your words wisely, as though the whole world were listening and their salvation depended upon it. (2Tim 2:14)
  • I am reminding you again to be obedient to those in authority over you, even if you would do things differently if you were in charge. Always be ready to actively perform good works for them, as well as respond to things with which you disagree with a good attitude and your best abilities. Remember, you are my ambassador and represent me at all times. (Tit 3:1)
  • I can turn any situation into one that glorifies our Father and further transforms you into my image. I can even take sickness and use it for good, displaying my mighty power within you while you are humanly weak. I can open doors for witnessing that were previously shut, and provide opportunities for miracles. I am still with you, remaining Lord over all, and I will not waste one opportunity to bring you closer to me, and simultaneously reconcile the world to our Father. (Gal 4:13)
  • Worry

  • When you feel like you are sinking, I will pull you up. I will draw you out of the deep waters of hurt and depression and fear and pull you to myself. You are mine, and I will always protect you. Just call out my name. (Psa 18:16)
  • It is the Father who will complete the work in you, heal you, fix you, transform you. It adds to your anxiety when you mistakenly start thinking that it is up to you to figure out a way to fix yourself. But it is our Father's responsibility to do these things, because only He has the power to do it. (Phi 1:6)
  • Worrying doesn't accomplish anything. If you are going to set your mind on something, or use your mouth to say something, let it be in doing something that can change the situation. Remind yourself of everything that I have given to you for which you can be thankful, and in that attitude of gratefulness, come to me and ask me for whatever you need. This is the only way to gain peace in the midst of anxiety. (Phi 4:6)