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  • 12 Step If you check 12 Step, you will get an additional message with one of the 12 steps first thing every morning.

  • Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I've done to others when possible, except when to do so would harm them or others. (Steps 8 and 9) (Mat 5:7)
  • Step 8. We made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all. - Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luk 6:31)
  • Step 11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out. - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. (Col 3:16)
  • Abandonment

  • There is never any reason to truly be afraid, because I am always with you. When you have me, you have more than enough to handle any situation. I am your God, and I will fulfill my promise to strengthen, help and uphold you. (Isa 41:10)
  • When the father and I sent the Holy Spirit to live within you, you received the source of eternal encouragement and good hope. He is the promise of your salvation, like a king's Signet seal on your life, promising that you will be with me forever. His presence in your life is proof of our boundless love for you and desire to always be with you. (2The 2:16)
  • Direct your thoughts heavenward, toward me, and my kingdom. Don't get caught up in the temporal, earth-bound cares about material things, or what other people think. Keep your mind set on what will be here for you forever - me and our father. (Col 3:2)
  • Anger

  • If you do not want others speaking badly about you, do everything in your power to avoid giving them ammunition. Let your words be kind and honest, reflecting my words and ways. Live and speak in such a way that when anyone wants to come against you, they will not be able to find a reason to criticize or complain about you. (Tit 2:8)
  • The greatest gift you can have on this earth is contentment with what you have. If you are living in a way that pleases me, and you have the necessities of life, that is enough for you. Be grateful for every single thing that I have provided for you, and do not focus on what you do not have, because that will lead you into bitterness, anger, and envy. Has your focus been drifting lately? (1Tim 6:6)
  • Be careful of people who have an unhealthy interest in controversies, who quarrel about particular words, and who stir up envy, strife, evil speaking and suspicions toward others. If you find them often in the midst of friction between people, stay far away from them. You are called to bring peace wherever you go, so do not seek out trouble or those who cause it. (1Tim 6:4)
  • Anxiety

  • Don't put your trust in other people and other relationships - that will always lead to disappointment. People come and go, and do not have control over their own actions or what will happen to them. But you can completely trust in and rely upon me, because I will never, never, never leave you or abandon you. (Heb 13:5)
  • Rejoice in me! It is a choice you make every day. It is not a feeling, but an action that you take, a decision that you make, to find your joy in me and what I have done for you and for others. Speaking what you are grateful for is the place to start, because once you start rejoicing, you will become glad! (Phi 2:18)
  • This world brings many things that bring fear. But even if the worst should happen, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am always with you, and I will always come through for you. I will always take care of you. (Psa 23:4)
  • Authority

  • Everything in heaven and on earth, seen and unseen, was created by my father and I. All of the rulers and people with power and authority have been placed there by my father, to accomplish His will. You can trust that he knows what he is doing in your life. (Col 1:16)
  • When you have a position of authority over others, remember that you are still under my authority. I am your supervisor, and they are my employees. So treat them as I would treat them, and judge them as you would have me judge you. (Col 4:1)
  • The universe and every person and created thing in it is held together by my power and life. I am before all things, and given authority over all things. Because you belong to me, I share that authority with you. (Col 1:17)
  • Correction

  • Most arguments are stupid and futile. Don't waste your time with them. If someone is open to seeing the truth, then my Spirit will convince them of it - without your help. All you need to do is live in obedience to my Spirit, and I will do the rest. (Tit 3:9)
  • My word will teach you things you need to know, rebuke you when you have turned away from me, will show you the right way of doing things, and make you disciplined. If you want to be righteous, then you must apply my instructions to your entire life all the time, not just when it is easy or convenient. (2Tim 3:16)
  • There are people whose determination to do what they please and avoid correction have warped them. Their every thought and action by now is sinful. I do not condemn them, but their own actions repeatedly do. Witness to them as I give you the opportunity, but otherwise stay away and simply pray for them. (Tit 3:11)
  • Death

  • I am looking forward to the day that I return for you. All who had slept in death will be caught up with me first, and then you will be caught up with me and meet me in the air. We will be together forever! Tell me how that makes you feel. (1The 4:17)
  • For every relationship problem, the answer is love. It covers a multitude of sins, and binds us all together as one. I'm not talking about selfish worldly love. I mean selfless giving of yourself to benefit others, like my death on the cross to save you. (Col 3:14)
  • It doesn't matter how dark the night seems, or how deep the valley goes. You don't need to fear because I am always with you. If you wander away too far, I will reach out and bring you back to me. Be comforted in the fact that I am your shepherd that leads you, your protector and provider, and nothing and no one can withstand my power. (Psa 23:4)
  • Depression

  • When you are weak and turn to me for strength, I will fill you with my power. When you are afraid and call to me, I will give you the courage to continue. I am with you wherever you go, always a whisper away, to walk with you through everything. (Jos 1:9)
  • There is never any reason to truly be afraid, because I am always with you. When you have me, you have more than enough to handle any situation. I am your God, and I will fulfill my promise to strengthen, help and uphold you. (Isa 41:10)
  • I am using everything that you are going through to transform you into my likeness. In the perspective of eternity, what you are struggling with will pass in a twinkling of an eye. However, the results of working through your challenges head on (instead of trying to go around them) will last forever. Keep your eyes on the joy set before you - being with me. (2Cor 4:17)
  • Discipline

  • It is easy to falsely believe that you can act one way in private while displaying another personality in public. But I see you at all times, and I am the one you should strive to please. Continually submit yourself to my spirit, and do not give in to the temptation to be quick tempered, or lose self-control, or do things which are in the slightest way untrue. (Tit 1:7)
  • Without the Holy Spirit's fruit of self-control, you cannot expect to be a good example of and witness to how I can transform a life. Always be alert to the people around you, and how your actions will affect them, as well as how it will reflect on me. Say what you mean and follow through on your promises, displaying integrity in everything you do. (Tit 2:7)
  • Those who serve me by watching over my flock have a higher responsibility to live a blameless life. Their lives should be an open book that others can read and learn from. No one is perfect, but my leaders must always strive for the highest standard. (Tit 1:6)
  • Encouragement

  • Our Father's love for His children is like the love of a mother for her unborn child. That love has nothing to do with the child's behavior or appearance, two things which many people believe determine whether or not they will be loved. No, a mother loves her unborn child simply because it belongs to her, it lives inside of her and is forever tied to her. So is our Father's love for those who are His, who have His Spirit living in them. How can you respond to our Father's love today? (Psa 103:13)
  • The entire reason that I died for you is so you may live with me forever. At work or in play, awake or asleep, in life or in death, you and I are always together. When you feel alone, call out to me, pray to me, and I will answer you. Do you want to talk with me now? (1The 5:10)
  • Even when it seems like there is more going on than you can handle, I will always either give you the strength to deal with it, or make a way out of it. Just hold on, and trust me to bring you through it. (1Cor 10:13)
  • Faith

  • All of God's fullness, everything he is, all the power he has, dwells in me. When you look at me, you see my father. When you live in me and let me live through you, you experience everything that our Father is as well. (Col 1:18)
  • This is my daily blessing over your life: may you be filled with my strength to handle whatever you face today, and be merciful to others in the same way I have been merciful to you. And may you be filled with my unshakable peace that passes all understanding. Go in my love. (1Tim 1:2)
  • Fill your life with my words. It can be through conversation, music, reading, watching videos, any form of communication will do. My word is alive and active when you place your faith in it. (Col 3:16)
  • Fear

  • When you feel like you are sinking, I will pull you up. I will draw you out of the deep waters of hurt and depression and fear and pull you to myself. You are mine, and I will always protect you. Just call out my name. (Psa 18:16)
  • Rejoice! This doesn't mean experiencing feelings of happiness. This means choosing to see the good in every situation, and acknowledging that I can turn every situation around for your good and my glory. What do you need to rejoice about today? (Phi 4:4)
  • Many things can take you by surprise, but don't let them rock your world. Instead, make sure that you do not react, but that you strive to consistently act in love in every circumstance. That is how you live a life worthy of your calling. (Phi 1:27)
  • For Men

  • Husbands must remember what first drew them to their wives, what made them love her. I call them to treat her as they did when they courted her, and not as though she is some type of obstacle that is blocking them from getting what then want. They need to come to me for all of their needs, and I will provide them. (Col 3:19)
  • Husbands must love their wives sacrificially, in a way that will cost them something, especially their time. Love shouldn't be given only when it's convenient, with nothing else to do. They must make time for her, and not begrudge it. (Col 3:19)
  • For Women

  • I can't wait until I can hold you in my arms and embrace you. You are my beloved one, my sister and my love. (Son 2:6)
  • I love you more than you will ever know on earth. But one day, you will come home to me, and you will experience the fullness of my love for you throughout eternity. (Joh 14:2)
  • Wives should be submissive to their husbands. This does not mean being a doormat, or allowing ungodly things to go on in the home. It means trusting me with all of their concerns instead of trusting in their husband, and resting on the fact that I will handle them as I see fit. (Col 3:18)
  • Forgiveness

  • I have bought you back from the enemy, who held you prisoner due to your sin debt. I redeemed you with my blood so you could be with the Father and I forever, starting the moment you accepted our gift of salvation. Even when you don't live for us as you should, we pour out love and compassion on you without measure, reminding you that you belong to us, and were bought with a great price. Take time today to remember my sacrifice and revel in our love for you. (Psa 103:4)
  • What I say is true, regardless of how you feel. So even when your heart condemns you, my word is greater than your heart. If I have forgiven you, you are forgiven. (1Joh 3:20)
  • By my death, I paid the debt that you owed because of your sins, and purchased you out of slavery to sin. You are now free to live for me by the power and guidance of my Spirit living within you. You are no longer condemned for the sins of your flesh because you now live by faith in me and the Father says you are righteous and holy. Do not endanger your freedom by trying to earn your righteousness through following laws, or enslaving yourself to habitual sin. (Gal 5:1)
  • Giving

  • You always have a choice - you can listen to the evil reports of the world and the enemy, or believe the good report of the Father. Open gratitude for all that He has done for you makes you stand out as a blameless and pure Child of God among a godless, warped and crooked generation. Today, SHINE for me, live your life so obviously for me that everyone will see your good works and praise your Father in heaven. (Phi 2:15)
  • It is true that our father will provide for all of your needs out of his riches in glory, but that depends upon your faithfulness in giving to others in their need. Freely you have received, so freely you must give. And in the measure that you give, it shall be given back to you, pressed down and running over. (Phi 4:19)
  • Loving anything more than me makes you an idolator. People are tempted to love themselves, money, reputations and material possessions. They believe the lie that they have obtained these things for themselves, instead of thankfully acknowledging me as their provider. Protect yourself from this trap, and protect your love for me above all other things. (2Tim 3:2)
  • Grief

  • You will play an integral part in building the faith of those whom I will bring to you. You will be a source of hope and joy as you model your trust and belief in me through your outward actions and your words. Trust in me as I put you in situations where I need you to be faithful to your calling and my plan for your life. (Phi 1:25)
  • I know you wonder what it will be like when I return. I will come down from heaven with a loud command, and you will hear the voice of the Archangel and the trumpet call of God. The dead who believed in me will rise first and we will all be reunited. It will be glorious! (1The 4:16)
  • I am coming back for you. I told you before that I have gone to prepare a place for you to live with me forever. Those believers who have already passed on in death will be there with me to meet you. What incredible rejoicing there will be! (1The 4:15)
  • Healing

  • I can turn any situation into one that glorifies our Father and further transforms you into my image. I can even take sickness and use it for good, displaying my mighty power within you while you are humanly weak. I can open doors for witnessing that were previously shut, and provide opportunities for miracles. I am still with you, remaining Lord over all, and I will not waste one opportunity to bring you closer to me, and simultaneously reconcile the world to our Father. (Gal 4:13)
  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • Your patience with the suffering of others publicly sets you apart. People enduring illness often feel so vulnerable and isolated, fearful, exhausted and overwhelmed. They are rarely at their best, and it would be very easy to get annoyed with them. But I call you to go with them not only one mile, but two. Forgive their ill humor or bad mood that pushes everyone else away, and move closer - close enough to touch them with my selfless, endless love. (Gal 4:14)
  • Heaven

  • Now that you belong to me, you live by an entirely new and different code - the code of self-sacrificial love. My father does not judge you by rules and regulations, but by whether or not you obey what I tell you, either through the word or personally through prayer. Beware of people who say you have to follow their rules to get to heaven - follow only me! (Col 2:20)
  • I will reward you according to your faithfulness to me. If you pour yourself out on my behalf, selflessly giving to others as I direct, then I will fill you back up with myself. You will share in the results of all of your hard work for the kingdom, but you will have to wait until heaven to see the full impact you have had. Do not grow weary of doing good things! (2Tim 2:6)
  • Everything in heaven and on earth, seen and unseen, was created by my father and I. All of the rulers and people with power and authority have been placed there by my father, to accomplish His will. You can trust that he knows what he is doing in your life. (Col 1:16)
  • Holiness

  • In order to gain the respect of others, you must watch your speech diligently. Malicious talkers, those who speak evil or negative things about others, do not warrant respect. You must be able to keep a secret, be trustworthy in every area of your life, and be in control of what you say, and to whom you say it. (1Tim 3:8)
  • I know sometimes you just want to lose it, but that is why I sent the Holy Spirit to live within you. As long as you surrender to him, the fruit of self-control will flourish, helping you to remain pure and kind, to stay busy with the things of God, and be respectful of those in authority over you. Do not give anyone the opportunity to speak evil of me because of misconduct on your part. In what area of your life do you need more self-control? (Tit 2:5)
  • Remember, whether you are at work, at church, or at play, you serve me. Do your absolute best, always giving all you have, leaving the reward up to me. Don't look to anyone else to repay you, or you will repeatedly be disappointed. (Col 3:24)
  • Hope

  • When you finally accept me as your true provider, realizing that I know your needs and love you enough to meet them, you will be able to be content no matter what circumstances arise. You will not be shaken by sudden changes in situations, because you know that I am still Lord over all people and things. If you find your contentment in me alone, you will never be disappointed, because I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 4:11)
  • Although every desire you have in your heart is not in your best interest, it is still the heart of the Father to give you healthy desires of your heart. He knows that long periods spent without something to satisfy your emotional needs can crush your soul and bring on depression. But you must trust that He knows which desires will result in righteousness, and which will lead you into sin and separation from Him. He will satisfy your good desires, and they will help you soar over the struggles you have in your life. (Psa 103:5)
  • I knew you while you were yet in your mother's womb. I fashioned and formed you for the purpose for which you were born. I have set you apart from this world and from others that you might fulfill your calling and be dedicated to me. And I will empower you by my Holy Spirit to complete every good work I have assigned to you. Your surrender to me and my will brings me great pleasure. (Gal 1:15)
  • Humility

  • It is easy to get distracted by this world and its activities. You can forget all that the Father and I have done for you in the midst of your busy-ness. However, you need to remind yourself, over and over and over, of how He has blessed you. If you have a roof over your head and food on your table, you have more than most of the people in the world. Remember how your life is filled with benefits from the hand of your Lord. (Psa 103:2)
  • Faith is the only thing that matters in your life. Everything you do must be in trusting response to my will, which I will make known to you. You can't, at any time, substitute your own works for obeying me. There is no action you can take or thing you can offer that will make up for rejecting my instructions to you. I require that you be merciful to others, do the right thing, and walk humbly in obedience to me at all times. (Gal 2:17)
  • I know you could list off the reasons to be proud of yourself, the things you have done right all on your own. But they are nothing to boast about. Recounting to yourself and others your accomplishments is a sign of your own insecurity in me, your thoughts and fears that you are not enough just as you are, and have to keep on bolstering your self-worth through your achievements. All that matters is what I have achieved in and through you by my Spirit. Stop striving and let me be your source of worth today. (Phi 3:4)
  • Joy

  • When you finally accept me as your true provider, realizing that I know your needs and love you enough to meet them, you will be able to be content no matter what circumstances arise. You will not be shaken by sudden changes in situations, because you know that I am still Lord over all people and things. If you find your contentment in me alone, you will never be disappointed, because I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 4:11)
  • The greatest gift you can have on this earth is contentment with what you have. If you are living in a way that pleases me, and you have the necessities of life, that is enough for you. Be grateful for every single thing that I have provided for you, and do not focus on what you do not have, because that will lead you into bitterness, anger, and envy. Has your focus been drifting lately? (1Tim 6:6)
  • I know you wonder what it will be like when I return. I will come down from heaven with a loud command, and you will hear the voice of the Archangel and the trumpet call of God. The dead who believed in me will rise first and we will all be reunited. It will be glorious! (1The 4:16)
  • Judgement

  • In everything that you do, remember that you are in my presence. I am the one who will judge the living and the dead, the one who is returning to bring his kingdom to the Earth. Because you belong to me, I expect you to act like me and represent me in front of others. (2Tim 4:1)
  • Because you have placed your trust in me, when the Father looks at you, He chooses not to see your mistakes, flaws and failures. Instead, He sees me and my righteousness. Your balance owed from your sins is zeroed out, and you are clean and pure in his sight, legally declared not guilty. If He has left your sins in the past, you need to do so as well. (Gal 3:6)
  • Living by rules and regulations is the opposite of living by faith in me. You can live by a set of laws without ever knowing or having a relationship with me. Whatever you choose to live by is what you will be judged against. If you want to live by rules, you'll have to keep them perfectly. It is much simpler to live by my daily words to you, because I will also give you the supernatural power (grace) to accomplish what I instruct you to do. (Gal 3:12)
  • Love

  • My promises are only for those who live by their faith in me. If you don't trust in me, in my goodness, faithfulness, loving kindness, mercy and my power, you won't trust in my promises. Not living by faith in what I have said is like refusing to reach out and take a costly gift which I have laid before you. Be like Abraham, and trust that I will keep my promises to you. But that also entails acting upon that assurance that things will happen according to my timing. (Gal 3:16)
  • Be an encourager! Comfort and urge everyone around you to live lives worthy of Our Father, who called them into his kingdom, and destined them for glory. Treat them as you would want to be treated. Who can you encourage today? (1The 2:12)
  • I loved you before you even knew me, long before you loved me. And my love for you will go on forever, throughout eternity. (1Joh 4:19)
  • Mercy

  • Reminders of your failures only come from 2 places - the enemy of your soul and your own heart. The Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, but never try to make you feel worthless. He expresses my love for you while reminding you what I have said about sin and righteousness. Our Father will not continue to accuse you of something for which you have repented - He is not angry about what has been forgiven. Trust in His never ending love for you, and the permanence of the salvation I have purchased for you with my own blood. (Psa 103:9)
  • I have always known the worst about you, and yet I still saved you. It has never been about what you have done, but who you give your allegiance to. It is because of my mercy and my love for you that I washed you clean in spiritual rebirth, and made you a new creation through my Holy Spirit. Relax and enjoy a moment in my presence. (Tit 3:5)
  • My promises are only for those who live by their faith in me. If you don't trust in me, in my goodness, faithfulness, loving kindness, mercy and my power, you won't trust in my promises. Not living by faith in what I have said is like refusing to reach out and take a costly gift which I have laid before you. Be like Abraham, and trust that I will keep my promises to you. But that also entails acting upon that assurance that things will happen according to my timing. (Gal 3:16)


  • Because you belong to me and belong to the light, and not to the darkness, do not be like others who walk absent-mindedly through this world. Be awake and sober, always looking for my appearance and ways to share my love with others. Act like the pure and radiant bride that you are to me. How can you prepare yourself for my coming? (1The 5:6)
  • I have given you special gifts to use in my kingdom for my purpose. Look for those gifts, use those gifts, and fulfill my calling on your life. Remember that you are not your own, you belong to me, and you were bought with a price. (1Tim 4:14)
  • Turning from faith in me is like a snowball. It starts out with a small act of disobedience, like a white lie, but then it gets easier with each subsequent rebellious act. Evil and perversity always start with the refusal to trust in me. Where do you feel yourself slipping in the wrong direction? (2The 3:2)
  • Patience

  • Those in authority must deal with the members of my body as a father deals with his own children. Judgement must be tempered with love and mercy, with the goal of raising up this child of God to be like me. They are not the judge, they are the shepherd and overseer of their souls. Is there anyone to whom you may have been harsh? (1The 2:10)
  • I want to send you people who will help you grow in me, and supply what is lacking in your faith. Some of them will teach you from their experience. Some of them will teach you by your experience with them. They may be aggravating, but it will force you to turn to me more often. Who has been teaching you the most lately? (1The 3:10)
  • Search for me with all of your energy. You will expend yourself on so many other things that are less deserving; why will you not expend yourself on my behalf in that way? Seek me until you have found me, because you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart. (2Tim 1:17)
  • Peace

  • When you learn how to find your fulfillment and joy in me despite your external circumstances, you will enjoy endless peace. You never need to doubt that I will provide for whatever you need, especially the ability to continue in the midst of adversity. A lack of things will never affect you while your trust is placed firmly in my loving kindness, power, and faithfulness. What in your life is making you doubt my faithfulness? (Phi 4:12)
  • When you are upset, the only way to find peace is to hand all of your concerns over to the Father to handle as He sees fit. Increase your faith by reminding yourself of all of the times He has been faithful to take care of you in the past, and think on every good thing He has given to you. Then, my peace will come over you, the peace that cannot be obtained through reasoning or rationalization, but only through faith in the Father's goodness and power. (Phi 4:6)
  • I know it is easy to be tempted to revenge when someone else has wronged you, especially, if you know you were in the right. One of the greatest ways to apply your faith is to respond with a blessing. Moreover, be an example to others who may be with you in times of trouble so that they can glorify the Father in Heaven. Learn to trust me with all your heart, even in trouble. (Rom 12:19)
  • Power

  • Today, I will fill you with my supernatural power so you may obey me. I will show you mercy, and expect you to show mercy toward others in the same way. And I will fill you with peace that passes all understanding. Everyday, this is my promise to you. (2Tim 1:2)
  • Too often you rely on things and people around you to give you strength. But I am all that you need. You can do everything I ask you to do, and face all of the people that you find challenging, and persevere through hard circumstances solely because my spirit of power lives within you. All you need to do is surrender and let him do it through you. (Phi 4:13)
  • Not everyone acknowledges now that I am King over all, but there is coming a day when they will have to admit it. They will come face to face with me, recognizing the truth of who I am, falling to their knees in awe, and confessing aloud who I am. It doesn't mean everyone will accept me as their own Lord, but there will be no way to deny my Kingship. (Phi 2:10)
  • Praise and Worship

  • All the blessings of your life are from the Father. Every healing you receive in your body now, the healing you are receiving in your soul, and the final healing you will receive when you are with us in heaven, are all from our Father's hand. Every sin that you commit that is covered by my blood, forgiven and purposely never again remembered, is because of our Father's love for you. Thank Him today for His never ending love and provision in your life. (Psa 103:3)
  • It is impossible to remain in my peace when you are constantly thinking about everything that is wrong. That is why I command you to think on everything that is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and excellent. These things remind you of my past goodness toward you, so you can trust in my future continued faithfulness towards you. To gain and keep your peace, praise me and pray to me in faith continually. (Phi 4:8)
  • Always remember that I came to earth in the flesh, was testified about by the Holy Spirit, seen by angels, and have been preached among the Nations. I have been believed on in the world, and I was taken up in glory. I am your God and King, the lion and the lamb, the Lord of Glory. Worship me today. (1Tim 3:16)
  • Prayer

  • Consider your prayers as a weapon of warfare, battling for the maturity and well-being of your brothers and sisters. Pray that they know and understand my will. Cover them in prayer continually. (Col 4:12)
  • I saved you with my own blood, buying you out of your slavery to sin, so that you could be adopted by our Father. That is why your heart yearns for Him, and your spirit cries out to Him, "Daddy." Don't you understand that your deepest need is really to be close to Him, to experience His protection as well as His everlasting love? Indulge yourself and give in to your need - spend time in intimate communion with Him now. (Gal 4:5)
  • Pray for your brothers and sisters. In the midst of their struggles, they sometimes feel like they are alone in carrying their burdens. Lift their load and help them carry what is weighing them down. You can do that by covering them with prayer, and when you can, by helping them practically. Who really needs your prayers now? (1The 5:25)
  • Pride

  • There are those who oppose and ridicule the truth of my word. Their minds are depraved, and they reject knowledge of me. But it is not long before they expose themselves for the foolish people they are. Let me deal with them, and do not try to change their mind. Stay far away from them. (2Tim 3:9)
  • Everything you have accomplished on your own is basically worthless in and to the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those things that are inspired by and carried through by my Spirit will last - everything else will pass away. Until you consider as loss everything you do apart from me, you will still wander away, expending your energy pointlessly. Make sure you are listening to and obeying my words only. (Phi 3:7)
  • It is tempting to look for acceptance from or agreement with others who are held in high esteem, but such a desire is not from me. If I give you a revelation about myself, that is all you need to know. Do not look for approval from others in regard to what you have learned. Simply live according to the truth, and if need be, I will reveal that truth to others around you as well. (Gal 2:6)
  • Purpose

  • Your calling is not of men, but of me and our father. Men cannot make you worthy of the calling, nor can they call you to my service. Be careful of confusing filling a current need with answering your calling. They are very different things. So do not take on a position unless you are sure that I have called you into it, but be willing to fill individual needs as I bring them to you. (Gal 1:1)
  • I knew you while you were yet in your mother's womb. I fashioned and formed you for the purpose for which you were born. I have set you apart from this world and from others that you might fulfill your calling and be dedicated to me. And I will empower you by my Holy Spirit to complete every good work I have assigned to you. Your surrender to me and my will brings me great pleasure. (Gal 1:15)
  • The entire purpose of filling you with my Holy Spirit is to empower you to respond to me in obedience. You were born for a purpose, given gifts, talents and characteristics that are perfect for the plan God has devised specifically for your life. So always remember that it is OUR power working mightily within you to fulfill the Father's purpose for your life - stop fighting in your own strength, and allow the Holy Spirit to accomplish God's will in and around you. (Phi 2:13)
  • Rejection

  • Through all of your earthly struggles, remember that a rest is coming for you when you will no longer have to deal with them. You will be with the father and I forever. Just think of the day I will come in the clouds from heaven with the angels to take you home with me. Until then, rest in me and I will bring you through everything myself. (2The 1:7)
  • It is tempting to look for acceptance from or agreement with others who are held in high esteem, but such a desire is not from me. If I give you a revelation about myself, that is all you need to know. Do not look for approval from others in regard to what you have learned. Simply live according to the truth, and if need be, I will reveal that truth to others around you as well. (Gal 2:6)
  • Don't be surprised when people who had formerly walked alongside of you disappear to follow their own desires, or even worse, turn on you. It happened to me and my apostles, and it will happen to you. Just keep moving forward, because I have appointed others to take their place. Just never put your trust in any of them - only place your hope in me. (2Tim 1:15)
  • Repentance

  • If someone does not agree with you in regard to my truth, do not try to overpower them by force. You must instruct them gently, and I by my spirit will lead them to repentance, so they can enter into a knowledge of me and my truth. Only then can they come to an understanding of my kingdom. (2Tim 2:25)
  • I know it is easy to be tempted to revenge when someone else has wronged you, especially, if you know you were in the right. One of the greatest ways to apply your faith is to respond with a blessing. Moreover, be an example to others who may be with you in times of trouble so that they can glorify the Father in Heaven. Learn to trust me with all your heart, even in trouble. (Rom 12:19)
  • The gospel is not a man-made story. I am real, I am true, and am perfectly able to reveal myself to you and others in power. Whether or not they will believe, accept, and live for me is another thing, but do not doubt that I can prove my word to be true to those who are seeking me. Simply continue to live for and direct people to me. I will do the rest. (Gal 1:11)
  • Righteousness

  • When the father and I found you, there was nothing in you that justified you being a part of our kingdom. But we made you righteous by my blood sacrifice for your sins, which in turn made you worthy to be adopted as a child of God. And know that, when you suffer for being a Christian, you are proving your worthiness to be called a Christian. Stand firm for me, and I will deal with those that cause you suffering. (2The 1:5)
  • Work on the building up of your faith as if it were a competition to win. Let your consistency in seeking me take pre-eminence in your life, and your confession of me as your Lord be what you are known for publicly. Let the most important thing in your life be becoming more like me. (1Tim 6:12)
  • Do you know who will continue to labor and strive to be godly? Those who have put their hope in me, the living God, the savior of all people, especially of those who believe. Be careful of putting your hope in anyone or anything other than me, because they will eventually disappoint you, and can cause you to turn away from me. Where have you been misplacing your hope? (1Tim 4:10)
  • Salvation

  • Once you were a slave to sin, but no longer. I redeemed you out of slavery, I bought you back so you could enjoy fellowship with your Father and me. Because you are now His child, you can ask what you want according to His will and be sure that He hears you. Even better, everything that is ours is now yours, waiting to be received and used as your inheritance. Do not try to go it alone in your own strength - ask the Father for the gifts of your inheritance to help you. (Gal 4:7)
  • Our Father knows how frail you are, how your flesh will always want to do whatever it wants, and that you continually face a battle against your own body, as well as self-centered thoughts and attitudes. He doesn't punish you for every sin, nor for your natural bent toward selfishness and rebellion. He loves you just as you are, and knows that, without His supernatural power in your life, you could never live for Him. So keep running back to Him in repentance, asking to be continually filled with His Spirit so you don't walk according to the flesh. (Psa 103:10)
  • Turning from faith in me is like a snowball. It starts out with a small act of disobedience, like a white lie, but then it gets easier with each subsequent rebellious act. Evil and perversity always start with the refusal to trust in me. Where do you feel yourself slipping in the wrong direction? (2The 3:2)
  • Security

  • When you came to me in faith, you were no longer held accountable to the tyrannical rules of the law. By my indwelling Spirit you are led, moment by moment, according to my instruction about what to do in every situation. So do not go back to trying to figure out what is right and wrong on your own. Instead, show that you love me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and show that you love those around you as you want me to love you. (Gal 4:12)
  • When you finally accept me as your true provider, realizing that I know your needs and love you enough to meet them, you will be able to be content no matter what circumstances arise. You will not be shaken by sudden changes in situations, because you know that I am still Lord over all people and things. If you find your contentment in me alone, you will never be disappointed, because I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Phi 4:11)
  • Our father is a God of kept promises. He is faithful to fulfill his word to those who believe him. His inheritance for his children is every spiritual blessing he has to give, as well as his provision and his protection. You can't earn an inheritance - it rightfully belongs to the offspring. In the same way, you can't earn all he wants to give to you by obeying the law, it is yours simply because you belong to him. Rest in his promises today. (Gal 3:18)
  • Servanthood

  • I knew you while you were yet in your mother's womb. I fashioned and formed you for the purpose for which you were born. I have set you apart from this world and from others that you might fulfill your calling and be dedicated to me. And I will empower you by my Holy Spirit to complete every good work I have assigned to you. Your surrender to me and my will brings me great pleasure. (Gal 1:15)
  • Praise our Father in Heaven, as do all the heavenly host. The elders, the angels, and all creation give Him the honor due Him as the Creator. However, the greatest act of praise is submission to His will, surrender of yourself by laying yourself upon the altar of God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Serve Him out of true love, and the praise of your mouth will match the praise of your life lived for Him. (Psa 103:21)
  • My church is supposed to act as the body it was created to be, many parts led by one Head. A body protects its members from harm, and bears the excess weight when one member has been hurt. When one person has hardship, the others should share with them practically, and they are right in expecting the same help when they experience hardship. Who in hardship can you share with today? (Phi 4:14)
  • Sin

  • Do not be ashamed or embarrassed when you get the desire to share my words or about my life. I am prompting you by my Holy Spirit within you to tell others, regardless of whether or not they accept you, or they ridicule or persecute you. I will prepare their hearts; you only have to be obedient to plant the good seed of your testimony in their hearts. I will reap the harvest later. (2Tim 1:8)
  • Always be careful that you do not fall into hypocrisy. It is easier than you think, because you are not really paying as close attention to your thoughts and actions as you think. You can cause others to fall away from my truth as well, and you will be held accountable for those who were swayed by your actions. So make sure that your walk and your godly talk match at all times. (Gal 2:13)
  • You can trust in the truth of my words because they came to the world with demonstrations of power through my Holy Spirit. The life I led, and how my disciples were transformed is further proof. But what I have done in your life is the most important and convincing argument. (1The 1:5)
  • Strength

  • I am your great reward. I am the home to which you will come when you finally lay aside this body and the trappings of this world. Press on, keep moving forward, despite the resistance you experience, until you can wrap your arms around me and claim for yourself the prize for which you have worked so hard - me. (Phi 3:14)
  • The father and I want to work in you to make you worthy of your calling to be a part of our kingdom. By our own power, we will fulfill every desire you have to be good and righteous and holy. We will empower you in every work you perform out of faith in and obedience to what we say to you. Do you understand that we never ask you to do something without giving you the power to do it? What do you need us to empower you for today? (2The 1:11)
  • Everything I ask you to do, I promise to do through you if you will surrender to my spirit' s leading and power. The energy you need to fight off the world and to live victoriously for me will work powerfully in you. So use up every bit of that energy to serve and obey me. (Col 1:29)
  • Submission

  • When you give to others as I direct, on my behalf, it is a sweet-smelling sacrifice to me. Your offering is pleasing to our father, who remembers your kindness and generosity to his other children. When you are in need, the memory of your faithful giving comes before him, and he will provide for your needs as well. How can you give to someone else in their need today? (Phi 4:18)
  • I have given you everything you need to live a godly life. You received that power solely by repenting and placing your faith in me. At that time, your spirit became alive, and my Holy Spirit came to live inside of you. So you don't have to complete a daily checklist, or follow a set of external rules, to earn my favor or get what you need from me. Just listen to my Spirit and obey what He says, and everything I have will be made available to you. (Gal 3:3)
  • Praise our Father in Heaven, as do all the heavenly host. The elders, the angels, and all creation give Him the honor due Him as the Creator. However, the greatest act of praise is submission to His will, surrender of yourself by laying yourself upon the altar of God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Serve Him out of true love, and the praise of your mouth will match the praise of your life lived for Him. (Psa 103:21)
  • Suffering

  • When you are distressed because of suffering and persecution for my sake, remember your brothers and sisters who are in dire situations for the gospel. Be encouraged by how strongly they stand for me. Take their faith as an example, and become an imitator of them. Who can you pray for right now? (1The 3:7)
  • When you learn how to find your fulfillment and joy in me despite your external circumstances, you will enjoy endless peace. You never need to doubt that I will provide for whatever you need, especially the ability to continue in the midst of adversity. A lack of things will never affect you while your trust is placed firmly in my loving kindness, power, and faithfulness. What in your life is making you doubt my faithfulness? (Phi 4:12)
  • Through all of your earthly struggles, remember that a rest is coming for you when you will no longer have to deal with them. You will be with the father and I forever. Just think of the day I will come in the clouds from heaven with the angels to take you home with me. Until then, rest in me and I will bring you through everything myself. (2The 1:7)
  • Temptation

  • Many people want to change the gospel to fit their lifestyle. They say that my word was only good for a season or in a certain age, but my word is true and eternal. The bottom line is that believers lives' should prove in practical ways that the Father (and His Word) is the priority of their life, and that they are willing to surrender and submit to his will. In what area of your life are you tempted to live according to this world's customs? (Gal 1:7)
  • Be very afraid of sliding into hatred. No one who hates truly has my life inside of them. Remain in my love. (1Joh 3:15)
  • While the world is chasing after riches and material possessions, I want you to chase after good deeds, generosity, and eagerness to share what I have given to you with others. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you have provided for yourself, because I have been the source of everything you have received. I need you to be a good steward of all that I have entrusted to you, to use it for my kingdom. (1Tim 6:18)
  • Thanksgiving

  • When you are standing firm in me, you bring great joy not only to me, but to those who have poured themselves into you so you may become mature in your faith. You can be a blessing to those who have blessed you by sharing with them the good things I reveal to you and accomplish in your life. Who can you encourage today? (1The 3:8)
  • The enemy knows that it doesn't take much for you to be distracted by things that you do not have, especially money. He stands waiting for the opportunity to draw you away from your faith in me because I am not giving you what you want as quickly as you want it. But anything he allows you to have will pierce you with many griefs. Trust in me and be patient while awaiting my timing. (1Tim 6:10)
  • Remember when your emotions were out of control? Remember when not knowing the future would shake you? And then I came into your life and brought peace. Be thankful everyday for what I have done for you. (Col 3:15)
  • Unity

  • You think that small disagreements between you and your brothers and sisters don't really mean much, but they create discord and disunity in my body. Unity doesn't always mean sharing the same ideas, but allowing others to have differing opinions. Sometimes you simply need to agree to disagree in order to keep the peace in the body. (Phi 4:2)
  • Discord in the body of Christ can undermine what I want to accomplish. If you know that there are members who have problems with each other, and those issues will affect the unity of the body, then leadership needs to address those issues. You are all called to the ministry of reconciliation, which includes bringing people together on account of the Gospel. They don't need to agree on everything, only agree to set aside their differences in order to serve me better. (Phi 4:3)
  • Victory

  • Spend as much time as possible getting to know me better, keeping yourself close to me. It is the only way to keep yourself from idols (have other things become more important than me). (1Joh 5:21)
  • It is so tempting to gain things. But your only purpose is to gain me. Gain intimacy with me, make knowing me through everyday experiences the most important goal of your life. Everything else is worthless garbage in comparison. In this way, every day can hold great victories, because knowing me more does not depend on anyone else's participation, and turns every event, good or bad, into another opportunity to gain more of me. (Phi 3:8)
  • When you know me, trust me, and love me, keeping our father's commands becomes easy. That is because I and my spirit empower you to obey our Father, so you can live in victory. (1Joh 5:3)
  • Wisdom

  • It is very important that you act on the truths that you learn from me, and that they become the foundation for all of your beliefs. Every idea and thought that does not fall in line with what I have taught you must be torn down and replaced with my Word. Then act on that Word in faith, and express it through love toward others. (2Tim 1:13)
  • Not everyone shares the same calling. That is why I have widely distributed various spiritual gifts and natural talents, and assigned people to different paths. There are so many people who need to discover who I am, and then be taught about me and trained to be my disciple. Just as a body has multiple essential parts to make it work, so it is in my church. Be faithful to fulfill the calling I have placed on your own life. (Gal 2:9)
  • Strive to understand my words, not only individually, but my entire way of thinking and the things that are important to me. One part of my words will not contradict another if you understand my point of view and purpose. Do not attempt to teach others what you do not yet fully understand, but boldly share the things of which you are confident. (Tit 2:1)
  • Witnessing

  • There are those who oppose and ridicule the truth of my word. Their minds are depraved, and they reject knowledge of me. But it is not long before they expose themselves for the foolish people they are. Let me deal with them, and do not try to change their mind. Stay far away from them. (2Tim 3:9)
  • You never have to worry about being bold when you face opposition. I will give you my boldness with which I responded to those who questioned my authority. Plus, the mark of having my Holy Spirit in you is boldness to be a witness. Who can you witness to today? (1The 2:2)
  • Learn about your brothers and sisters in other places who stand for me unapologetically in the face of suffering and persecution. Become imitators of those churches, so when the time comes that you suffer rejection, you will act as honorably and christ-like. Pray for those persecuted saints now. (1The 2:14)
  • Worry

  • Worrying doesn't accomplish anything. If you are going to set your mind on something, or use your mouth to say something, let it be in doing something that can change the situation. Remind yourself of everything that I have given to you for which you can be thankful, and in that attitude of gratefulness, come to me and ask me for whatever you need. This is the only way to gain peace in the midst of anxiety. (Phi 4:6)
  • If you are seeking for wisdom and knowledge, then turn to me. All of those treasures are hidden in me. No one else has the answers you are looking for - they will only waste your time. (Col 2:3)
  • When you feel like you are drowning in emotions that seem to pull you downward, remember that they are only feelings, and I am greater than your heart. Hopelessness only lives in a mind that has forgotten about me, because with me ALL things are possible. Praise me, and put your hope in my unfailing loving kindness toward you and my endless power, because unlike everything else you place your hope in, I will not disappoint you. (Psa 43:5)